Mommy Time

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I woke up to the sound of heavy rain outside. I love it when it raining it like the perfect day to be lazy, just stay in you pj's, watch movie, eat as much candy and funk Food as you can't without worrying about been fat. I got out of bed I feel like I step on something hard I notice Carrie laying down on the floor with her clothes from last night I guess she had a rough night. I made breakfast, Bacon, eggs and chocolate pancake. I went back upstairs to go take a shower then I felt something hard hit my face I saw Carrie running downstairs yelling


“GOOD MORNING TO YOU TO” I said rubbing my forehead and walking upstairs .I took was about to take a shower then I had a feeling that told me to call my mom. I took my phone and called.

*Ring* *Ring*

-“Hello” she answered

-“Hey MaMa how you been?” I said while taking my clothes off.

-“Great I was just about to call you “

-“Really why”

-“Demistria went out of town, I was wondering can you and me like hangout today I boring around here” Demistria is my little sister; she’s 17 she still lives with mommy and daddy. My mom don’t work no more she use to be a surgeon but she retired .My dad is a lawyer.

-“No Problem mommy, where’s daddy”

-“he had an emergency at work”

-“okay let me take a shower I will be right there in a few”

-“Bye, love you “

-“Love you too mom” I hung up

I was fully undressed when the door burst open, standing there was Carrie with syrup all over her mouth.

-“Have you ever heard of knocking before entering a room” I said while covering myself with a towel.

-“Nah, I don’t know why you covering up it not like I never saw you naked before” she said while laying on the bed

-“whatever if you excuse me I have to shower I have somewhere to be” I said walking in the shower


-“I am going out with mommy”

-“I want to come with”

-“okay go get ready”

Before starting the shower I pulled my iphone in my ihome and played my favorite song. I started singing and dancing while showering.

Started off in the streets

We would take collection from the fiends

People dying' all around me

So I gave you my testimony

We were down from the beginning'

When the world wasn't listening'

Now that I got your attention

Let us end with the benediction

We are gathered here today

Paying our respects to being' broke, hope he's in a better place

Cause life out here ain't sweet, oh no

I would close my eyes to sleep but didn't dream no more

So I had to make a way for my home, you know

Now I'm in a place where I ain't got to scheme no more

The good life, I'm done with the hood life

I did what I could didn't always do what I should and I was misunderstood

So many nights I tried

To hide how I felt, I would cry inside

And I ran through the streets till my feet got tired

Cause I ain't want to have my shoes on them power lines

Even though nothing in this song is related to me. When he sings it I could feel his pain in the song. After my long shower, I went to my room and find Carrie in my closet I didn’t say nothing to her  I just shook my head . 30 Minutes after we were done getting ready. I wore a light blue skinny jean, a white loose white shirt, an orange vest and a light brown high heel with an orange earring and a green and orange purse. Carrie wore a light orange skinny jean, a black loose t-shirt, a brown vest with a black, Brown and yellow high heel and a green purse. Right now, we in my car on our way to my mom house.

-“So Carrie ho was you date last night”

-“I don’t want to talk about it” She said with a serious face

-“C’mon tell me what happened babe”

-“Okay, After we leave your house we walked to the bus stop all the way  down  on Gerry street . We waited in the bus stop for like 40 minutes then the bus came. He took me to McDonalds he orders 2 McChicken and 1 large drink so we can share. I didn’t even bother ask where’s his car or why we here I was just waiting for this to be over. When I thought it couldn’t get any worse  a black pregnant lady came out of nowhere and said”OH YOU LEAVE ME ALONE WITH OUR 5 CHILDREN TO COME ON A DATE WITH THAT BITCHES” she caused a huge scene I manage to escaped .I said walking but then it started raining . I called Telescope girl to pick me up”

-“AHAHA OH MY GOD YOU HAD A ROUGH NIGHT why didn’t you call me to pick you up” I said laughing

-“I knew you were going to make fun of me and you a heavy sleeper “she said rolling her eyes.

Right now we outside of my mom House I honk the horn. She ran to the car because it was raining.

-“Hey girls” my mom said

-“Hi mommy” Me and Carrie said at the same time. Carrie mom died in 9-11 (R.I.P FOR WHOEVER DIED IN 9-11). My mom basically raised her, her dad was never home she use to live with my family.

-“Where are heading of first “Carrie said jumping up and down in the back seat like a little kid who see candy.

-“Forever 21”my mom said

We went to so many stores the back of the bar was full of shopping bag. We had such an amazing time. Right Now we at starburst.

-“So girls which one of you going to give me my first grandchildren” she said taking a sip of her latter

-“not me” me and Carrie yelled my mom laughed. For the rest of the day we talked about nonsense stuff. We went to dinner, right now were dropping mom off at her house.

-“Bye Mommy we love you” Carrie yelled


The rest of the ride home was quiet. Carrie was snoring on the back.

-“Carrie get your   ass up and lets go”

She groaned and walked upstairs. We didn’t even changed we just took our vest and our pants and shoes off and went to bed.

At 4 am my phone ring it was my dad

-“Hey daddy” I said sleepily

-“Sara I am sorry to say this but……………………….”

My phone felt of my hand, everything was blurry. I saw my life flash before my eyes.


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