
16 5 2

Sara P.O.V

I felt like I have been sleeping for years. I opened my eyes the first thing I saw was my sister sleeping at the foot of my bed.

"Demi" I whisper trying reaching for her hand but she was to far

"Demi" I said again but a bit louder

I opened her eyes slowly the jump on me and started kissing my face

"I thought you were going to die on me like mom. Thank you god" she got off me and went to get the doctor

" I guess I am invisible" someone said . I turn my head and saw a boy sitting on the couch next to my hospital bed with a smirk in his face

"And your are" I sad

"You don't remember me I am SpongeBob SquarePant" he said smiling and walking by my bed

"Be serious"

"I am serious that's what you called me last month"

"Last month?"

"Yes you been unconscious for like 1 month and probably 3 weeks now "

"Are you serious? I still don't get why I called you SpongeBob"

"Yes I am serious, some jerk put a heroin in your drink and he was going to rape you but SpongeBob saved you"

"Ooh can I know your name?"

"SpongeBob SquarePant"

"Seriously tell me your name dude" I said sitting up and patting the bed so he can sit down

"I am Nash"

"So Nash how long you been sitting here?"

"Well you been in the hospital for 1 month and 3 weeks so hmm I been here for 1 month and 3 weeks" he said with a smirk

I was going to say something but I got caught off by the doctor walking in

"Mrs. Shawn I see you awake you lucky your boyfriend found you when he did because this drug could have killed you" I was about to interrupt him but Nash put his arms around me acting like we are a real couple for real

"The bad news is I am pretty sure your boyfriend already told you"

"Told me what?"

"Doctor Can I please have a minute alone with my "girlfriend" "he said getting up and passing his hand through his hair.

The doctor leave and Nash sat on the bed

"Well the doctor thought I was your boyfriend so I went with it he told me that hmmm"

"Just tell me"

"I don't know how to say it"


"You have Leukemia Sara"

"What?" I asked making sure I heard correctly.

I have leukemia of which the chances are... I die?

"No." I stated in denial, "I do not have Leukemia."

Nash sighed, "Yeah, you do."

I stared at him tracing for any signs of lying but when I spotted none my breaths got short, I clenched my teeth together hoping not to cry. I have to be strong; I can't cry in front of a darn boy.But I couldn't hold it.

"Hey," Nash soothed. "It's okay, stop crying, you're going to be okay." He pulled me into a hug and immediately I broke down.

Why was he hugging me? I just met him, but there was one thing for sure now...

I was going to die.


"Bye." Nash waved as I left his car heading towards my house..

The hospital let me go early so I could have freedom before things started, I don't know what might happen but honestly, I'm scared.

"HEY!!" The shrieking voice of Carrie took me by surprise as she ran out of the house at full speed.

Oh poop... "OOMPH!"

"HAI GURL!" Carrie yelled in my ears. Ow.

"Hiiiii." I grinned at Carrie she was so random but she really brightens your day a bit.

Carrie's awesome, bubbly attitude soon changes to serious and worried.

"Don't you have anything to tell me" She hugged me

"Nash told you" I sigh

"I was there when he talk to him I said I was you sister. I was going to tell you but Nash insisted on telling you instead" she said while helping me getting up

"Do Demi know?"

"No we thought that was your job to tell your family"

"I don't think I am going to tell them you know between my mom death and stuff I don't want to put more problems for them"

"Any decisions you make you know I will have you "

"Love you girl"

"Love you too"

"I am going to get some sleep" I walked upstairs.

I need to be alone, to process this.


Cottoncandysugarh was here

A special thank you to My Baby Girl Cottoncandysugarh for her help on this chapter. Go follow her and Read her book. They pretty good J

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