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My phone been ringing for the past 40 minutes. But I am to lazy to get up and get up. It getting pretty annoying now. I roll of the bed and started rolling on the floor to my where my phone was which was in a table by the door.

"This better be important" the first thing I said when I answered the phone.

"Hello babe" I recognize that voice immediately

"Hi David bye David" I was about to hang up


"why not?"

"I don't know"

"So anyway why did you call me?"I.said finally getting off the floor

"Well I wanted to know if you wanted to go out"

"I could love to but I am busy sorry"

"No you not"

"What make you say that?"

"Well it 2 in the afternoon and You are still in bed"

"Wait how did you know that?"

"Because I am sitting in your living room"Say What Now? I opened the Door quietly and see if he was there for real but he wasn't.

"I Bet you went to look if I was there for real"

"Maybe -Maybe not"

"Anyway pick you up at 7 "

"But--" I got cut off but the beeping sound which meet he hang up how rude.

I am not going on any date. I went

downstairs and get some Oreos and leftover pizza. And went back to Sleep.

"I love you too Channing but we can't be " I said trying to hold back my tears

"Why not Sara? I love you I will you give the galaxy if it possible"

"What about Jenna and Everly?"

"We can raise Everly together nd I will get a divorce.Just give me a chance"

"I don't know channing" I got uo from he's chair and stand front of me he touched my face slowly

"Do you love me?" he said so soft it made me shiver a little

"I do"

"Then be mine" he started learning in to kiss me


" WHAT?" I yelled and open my eyes to see david in front of me

"Go get ready"

"No, you stop me from kissing Channing Tatum I am not going nowhere with you" I buried my head on my pillow. I heard the door close I felt relax. Now get ready Channing we going to do some bad thing.  I was just about to go to my beautiful dream. When I felt like I am being pull of my bed.

"What the fuck" I yelled looking up to see David pulling me.I though he left.

"I told you to get ready" he said while carrying me on his shoulder.

" I told you I am not going nowhere"

"well you are" he carried me downstairs and lock the door with a pink key I know that key. Urgh Carrie I swear this girl will be the end of me.

" Did you realize that I am in my pajamas?" I said while he's trying to open his car door

"Well yes and I don't care" he put me in the car.I tried to open the door and make a run for it but it was lock on the outside.

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