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She was so happy this morning, we went shopping she was full of life. I still think this just a bad dream that will wake up from any time now. I got up to use watch my face. I stood in from of the mirror watch tears making waterfall on my face. I bend down to wash my face when I got up there she was standing next to me with her flawless face and her short blonde hair .She was wearing a white dress.

-“MOM PLEASE TELL ME THIS IS A DREAM PLEASE TELL ME YOU ALIVE” I cried with my back on the wall slowly sliding down. She bend down in touch my face and said:

-“I am sorry baby I should have told you there’s more than you think, I am sorry” then blood started dropping from her ears and nose and mouth.

-“Should have told me what mom?” then she despaired

-“MOM “





I screamed her name so many times hoping she will appear again but there was no hope she was really dead. A few seconds the door burst open there stand a worried Carrie.

-“Are you okay? I headed screaming” she said sitting by me

-“She’s gone for real she’s never coming back what did I do to  deserve this punishment God I went to church every Sunday. WHY ME WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY” Carrie didn’t even ask me who died she just hug me and cried. We were just sitting in the bathroom floor crying like to lunatic.

I felt wet like I was swimming in water I started to be hard for me to breathe. I quickly shot my eyes and notice I was flooding in water I quickly stood up and notice I forgot to close the sink water and just my luck the sink hole was cover. I started to shake Carrie I screamed her name like 10 times. So I took matters on my on hand and pull her out of the bathroom. My bedroom carpet was soaking with water.

_”SHIT MY SHOES” jumping over Carrie and running to my closet

_”I HEARD SHOES” Carrie quickly stood up and ran like a little kid in a candy shop.

_”now you want t get up get your little butt over here and help me put my shoes on the bed “She did exactly what I said

_”What happened in here” she said walking down the stairs.

_”I left the sink open last night”

_”By the way I am sorry for you lose I know how it felt to have a loose a love one. One day they here than in a blink of in eyes they disappeared” she hugged me with tears in her eyes. This got me crying to.

_”Anyway Carrie go call a plumber and I will cook breakfast” I said while whipping my tears.

_”Kay-Kay I will call a hot plumber before we go under water” she said smiling and walking away.

I opened the fridge and she what there was to cook there was only eggs and bacon. After 15 minutes of cooking a lot of eggs and bacons (Has you guys already know Carrie eat for 100 people don’t tell her I said that). I was just about to head upstairs when the door bell rings. I opened there stand someone pretty familiar but I can’t put my hand on where I saw him before.

_”Hi are Ms.Shawn” he said looking down at his papers.

_” yes and you are” I said with a curious look

_”I am David, has I can see here you called for a plumber” he said still looking down

_ “David……David……David I know you you the guy that carried my friend out of Friday’s the other day” he finally look up for more then 3 seconds a smile appear on his face.

_”ooh yeah I remembered you” he said shaking my hand

_”WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO?” Carrie yelled from upstairs

_”IT THE PLUMBER” I yelled back

_”IS HE CUTE OR HOT OR BOTH” I blush a little I didn’t answer her I turn my attention back to David

_”Am waiting for you to answer am I hot or cute” he said with a smirk. I was just about to answer him but thank god Carrie came down the stairs to see the plumber.

_”I know you from somewhere you that guy that stop me from beating the crap out that girl. Not cool dude not cool but anyway lets go upstairs for you to see your little river” He was following her then he stop and whisper in my ears

_” Glad I see you again and I am still waiting for my answer “

I went to take a shower in one of the guest bathroom. While I was in the shower I was thinking how everything going to change now that my mom is not here. I won’t have someone anyone asking me for grandchildren. She died and I didn’t even give her a grandchildren. I got out of the shower and put my clothes on and just sat on the floor crying waterfall yelling, Screaming asking why me. I was happy no one could hear me the guess rooms are not close to bedroom. I spoke to soon. The door swing open

_”Carrie can you leave me alone please I need to be along for a few minutes” but she sat by me anyway

_”I said LEAVE ME ALONE” then I notice it wasn’t Carrie sitting me it was David he didn’t ask any question he just hugs me and kiss my forehead

_”It none of my business to ask about you personal live and you don’t have to tell but whatever you going through it going to be okay” I didn’t answer him a few minutes he stated singing I recognized the song immediately it was Don’t give up by Calling . It is one of my favorite songs. His voice started so low then it got louder and louder. He Had a great voices. I was about tell him that by I went into a deep sleep.

I woke up in my bed, the floor was dry, and the carpet got changed. I was curious about how I got here last thing I remember was David singing. OH MY GOD David he probably thing I am some crazy girl. I took my phone to look at the time then I notice I had a two text message.


I hope you feel better and by the way I'm the one who brought you to bed                        you look cute when you sleep :) Night baby girl sweet dreams



I went to the funeral home with ur dad and we going to pick up you sister after


I was about to text them then I notice it was 10 pm Dang I slept for 10 hours. That didn’t stop me from going to sleep again



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