Ch. 5🙏

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Y/n ran as fast as she could to the first 3 pointers she could see, she'd made a flame hotter and hotter until it turned blue out of her hand and heated 'some' of the 3 pointers until they were overheated and out of commision. She wanted to say 'most' but this bread damned platinum gold-haired naruto wouldn't stop stealing y/n's kills. Not only that but she was starting to get a headache and fell dizzy.
Almost all of the bots were gone. 
Damn, you'd think an earthquake was in motion, but that wasn't the deal, a heard of 0 pointers came out of nowhere! Y/n was about to run off, back to the entrance. Until she saw Naruto, standing still, that's when she snapped and threw him over her shoulder and ran.
She fell with a person on her back, she couldn't get up.
Luckily, porcupine got up and did for her as she did for him.

*time skip to after all of that stufffff*

"Yeah yeah, I'll call some time y/n."
*laughs*"You better, if it weren't for me you be a pancake and not the good kind." *laughs harder* We later figured out that his name was Katsuki Bakugou, and he owed the young y/n food.  They soon said our goodbyes and left on our secret ways.

*baby time skip*

"Auntie's!!! I'm back!!"

"Y/n! My goodness! You look and smell terrible!" Screamed aunt Kellie in disgust.

"Go shower..."
Aunt Bomberia said calmly.

Y/n soon made her way to the bathroom to wash up. After doing so she picked herself up, got dressed, and went to sleep.

*ring* *ringgggg*
*ring* *ringgggg*
Y/n's phone went off at 9 am, to her surprise is was Katsuki, asking when a good time to get food was, and where, it also led to a generous trail of insults.
Yo yo yo! I know, I know. " HEY! THIS IS A TODOROKI X READER!!!", side characters serve good as well, plus u can't deny king/lord explodo kills.

*DISCONTINUED* You're like him, but not... (todoroki s. x reader)Where stories live. Discover now