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a little question for you guys: which girl have you been liking so far? and which boy?


"SAM, I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE," I SAY, AS SOON AS HE ANSWERS MY CALL. In a way, long distance relationships are great because there is no hustle of breaking up face to face. The person on the other side never knows the real reason why you're breaking up. You can just make up any shit and tell them.

"You can't do what?"

"This relationship, I don't think it is working out."

"What the real fuck Ale?"

"Please Sam, there's fucking nothing between us anymore. I don't love you, and I know you don't either. So what is the damn point of this? You'll get over this faster than a pizza delivery."

"I can't believe you just compared my feelings to a fucking dumb ass delivery. You know what, fuck you!"

And he ends the call. I breathe a sigh of relief – this was easier than expected. Sam is normally a sadist drama queen, and I thought he'd make a big fuss over it because he never liked being rejected or dumped. This was the quickest breakup in my life, and I thanked god for it. Not that I cared, but I had a feeling Sam had cheated on me. Plus, we were both in an unsaid open relationship.

So thinking I did the right thing by breaking up, I drive to my school.

I SPOT ELISE BY THE LOCKERS. She looks way better than she did on Saturday at the soccer match. The bandage is no longer wound on her forehead but it is replaced by a small band aid.

When she turns to face me, she grins at me, "Happy three month anniversary to you, Alexis."

Oh what?

What the real damn fuck?

After seeing the expression on my face, she laughs, "You forgot your monthly anniversary again."

"No. I actually broke up with him an hour ago. Jeez, I am so harsh." I say, as Elise goes dumbfounded. I continue, smiling proudly, "Well, congratulate me for sticking out for three months. This is the longest I have been in a relationship."

"What is wrong with you?"

I laugh, as she bids me a farewell to go to her class in another wing. After she leaves, I start walking towards my first class. I feel someone's hand tap my shoulder. I look around and see Aiden smiling at me. A smile automatically makes its way on my face.

"Good morning sunshine," He grins at me.

"Hello to you too, faggot," I reply, taking the book from his hand, "These are your notes? Your handwriting is really ugly, you know?"

He pretends to look offended, but I know the last thing he gives a shit about, on this earth, is his handwriting, "Please, have you seen yours? It looks ants running on a page."

He has got a point there, by the way. I reply, sticking out my tongue, "Shut up."

He rolls his eyes, "So original."

We both have the same class, and as we enter, Wesley calls out to both of us, "Cunningham and Sullivan, what's up?"

I sit on the last desk, beside Aiden. Wesley sits in front of us, and he turns to Aiden with a creepy smile. Aiden hits him on the back but he's smiling. Wesley then turns to me, "You know this is Aiden's favorite class."

Paper Hearts [Book I: Homecoming]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum