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OUR VOICES FILL THE CAR, AS WE PASS FROM THE CENTRAL TOWARDS THE SOUTH TOWN. The trees get denser as we move from The Central to the outskirts, and Aiden halts for a minute in The South Town, an area well known for its eateries. Aiden keeps a takeout in the backseat of the car and starts driving again. He speaks softly, but I can sense the restrain in his voice when he asks, "You can play the radio if you like."

I shake my head, "That's okay. I don't feel like it. I once knew a friend who didn't like playing music whilst driving too."

"Oh. Who's this friend?"

I look away from him when he asks me that, "No one. It was a long time ago."

"I hope you like continental." Aiden says, his eyes concentrating on the road.

"Aiden," I say, trying very hard not to smile, "We might be on our first date together, but don't act like we are meeting for the first time."

Aiden laughs at that, "Sorry. I got nervous."

A sudden wave of courage hits me, and I rest my hand on his thigh. "Think of it as two friends hanging out. I'd rather hang out with the real Aiden then go on a date with a nervous Aiden."

I retract my hand and keep it on my lap again. The rest of our journey is silent, but not awkward at all. Aiden stops near Cross Side Beach, and I remember the last time I had been here.

"Have you been here?"Aiden asks, looking unsure of whether I liked this place or not.

"No." I lie, keeping a smile on my face. But in all the truth, I remember this place oh so clearly, as if it was just yesterday when I broke up with him.

"You won't forget this night ever."

AFTER EATING OUR TAKEOUT, WE DECIDE TO TAKE A WALK ON THE BEACH. It is not particularly cold here, and the sound of the waves crashing against the land and rocks consumes us. It is so peaceful here that I don't want to leave this beach ever. Funnily enough, I didn't want to come to this beach an hour ago and now I don't want to leave it. Elise was right. I had to give a chance to Aiden to replace my old memories.

"Some of our old family friends have come to visit us today, so my parents are probably busy right now." Aiden starts, as I nod, "They have come back after a year."

Aiden then starts telling me about them, and he mentions their son quite a few times.

"Oh. So you're best friends with their son?"

"Yeah, but we haven't actually been together since kindergarten. We moved away when I was four, and we came back the year he moved away from here."

He lets out a chuckle and continues, "But I don't remember a day when we didn't text or call each other."

I smile, pushing a strand of my hair behind, "So he knows you're here with me now?"

"Yeah, he said he can't wait to meet you."

I smile, suddenly feeling awkward, "Yeah, I'd like to meet him too."

Aiden notices my discomfort, "Hey, it is okay if you don't want to. I just have a feeling you two would gel really well with each other."

"Oh, it is nothing like that. I'd really like to meet your friend."

"That'd be great. It would take his mind off from someone he's trying to forget from this city. This city brings out the worst memories for him."

Paper Hearts [Book I: Homecoming]Where stories live. Discover now