Chapter Two: Vanished

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Derek POV
I heard Hotch giving commands and assigning people positions, but I didn't bother to stick around and listen. I had to find her. That's all I could think about. Finding her. Saving her. I ran through the warehouse as fast as I could, gun out in front of me and calling her name. I came to a room and looked around. There was wooden chair in the center and some kind of weird machine in the corner. I didn't even know what it was, but I swore as soon as I got my hands on that son of a bitch... But I couldn't think about him right now. Emily was my priority. I rushed out and began clearing the rest of the warehouse. I came to the very last room. It was identical to the one in the photo of Declan's "death." No Prentiss. No Doyle. They were gone. Vanished. "Morgan! Emily!" I heard Reid call. Once he entered the room, he was silent. The only sounds audible were his footsteps behind me and the buzzing of the industrial size lights. "She's not here, Reid," was all I could say. "Wh-what?" He stammered, "but we profiled-" "I know. It looks like there was a struggle, but they're not here anymore," I explained, still looking straight ahead. "Do you think she's-" Reid couldn't finish the thought, and I admit that I was glad he didn't. We couldn't afford to think like that. The Emily prentiss I knew was strong. She was a fighter. She was stubborn. And she wouldn't let Ian Doyle win.

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