Chapter Eight

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I paced. That's all I did. Hotch wouldn't let me do anything else and I couldn't think about anything but Emily. Actually, that's a lie; I also thought about Doyle and what I was gonna do to him when I found him.

"Derek! Derek! Derek!" Garcia squeeled as she came running in, her arms to the sides to keep her balance on her heels.

"Not now, Garcia," I growled. I was not in the mood for some lecture on being "optimistic." I scoffed; what was that supposed to even mean. Optimistic?

"I found her!" Garcia said.

"W-what?" I asked.

"Okay, so I didn't find her, but I did find Declan," she reiterated.

Before she even finished, I walked past her and made my way to her office.

"O-okay," I heard her say as she tried to catch up with me. Once we got to the office, she began explaining. "Okay, so the first thing I did was see if Em had bought a bunch of plane tickets to the same place. Of course, I came up empty because Emily would've covered her tracks like way better than that-"

"Garcia!" I snapped; I needed her to get to the point.

"Right, okay, so I switched directions and ran Emily's phone records and apparently, our super spy made a lot of calls to disposable phones in Central Indiana. Only, never the same one twice. So I ran each of the phones and guess who then only number they ever called was?"She continued.

"Emily," I concluded.

"Exactly. So I pinpointed all of their locations and they were never in the same place, but there's a neighborhood in Auburn and it's like right smack dab in the middle of all of the cell towers. I ran the names of all of the residents and found a Declan and Louise Jones, and the address has already been sent to all of my precious crime fighters," she finished.

I kissed her forehead before leaving. "You're the best, baby girl."

"I know. Now go find this asshat and get our E back," she retorted.

"Hotch," I said as I approached him, Rossi, and JJ. "Garcia found Declan."

"Where is he? Is he okay?" Asked JJ.

"He's in Auburn, Indiana, and, as far as we know, he's fine," I answered.

"Well, let's go," said JJ.

"Wait," said Hotch, "we need a plan."

"Hotch is right," added Rossi. "Once Doyle gets the kid, he's gonna leave the country, and we'll never see either of them again."

"So, we leave now and wait him out. Then, we surprise him," proposed JJ.

"And then what? We shoot?" Asked Hotch.

"No, not until we find Emily," I answered.

Hotch sighed. "Okay, but I hope you all remember whatever happens, it reflects on this whole team."

"I'll get Spence and Ashley," JJ said.

"Thank you," I said to Hotch.

"You're not the only one who needs her back here," Hotch said.

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