Chapter Five

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It had been fourteen hours and everyone was getting antsy. There was still no sign of either of them. Garcia got her hands on some of Doyle's aliases, but he hadn't used them in years. She was right; we could let him tear us apart, but he kind of already was. Derek and Hotch had been arguing for twenty minutes. I had managed to block them out, but I ended up listening in anyway.

"I need to be out there looking for her, Hotch!" Morgan repeated for probably the tenth time.

"Morgan, that won't help. Besides, I don't think any of us need to be in the field," Hotch countered.

"What are you saying, Hotch? You don't trust us? You don't think we can do our jobs?" Morgan asked. Trust had always been a touchy subject for Derek, but right now...

"Morgan, our first instinct would be to shoot! Like Strauss isn't already gonna be on my ass; last thing we need is for someone to screw up!" Hotch said.

"Well, we can't just sit here and do nothing! What if shes still out there? We can't just sit here and wait for a body to show up!" Derek exclaimed, getting louder with each sentence.

Then, it hit me.

"What about Declan?" I asked. "I mean if I thought Henry was dead and found out he wasn't my first move would be to find him."

"Do you think Prentiss told Doyle where Declan is?" Hotch asked. Derek and I both raised our eyebrows. "Right," Hotch continued, "JJ, work with Garcia and try to find anything that could point to Declan's location. Check Prentiss' financial records, phone records, everything."

"Hotch, are you asking me to profile Emily?" I asked.

"I am," he answered after a pause

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