Chapter Nine:Returning To The Village And Mates

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This is a Time-Travel Naruto Fan-Fic it might have own clans characters in it. I do not own Naruto or Original plot. I do own plot twists and changes. I also Own Own characters and Own clans That are not from the original fic may become mature but for now it is teen/young adult.

Warning: Warning This contains Smut Graphic scenes of sex and violence gore,torture, death And anything else my crazy mind comes up with. This Fanfic is Mature (Thats why its rated M) I will not always inform you when smexy scenes because I may may or may not be lots of smexy scenes within.

Warning: There are many own characters and own Clans within this will also not Completely be in the canon timeline. There may also be different missions also missions may go differently. Within this fanfic and enemies may be different or may be combined.

Disclaimer:I do not own Naruto or Original plot and characters. I do own any new characters,clans That Kishimoto Masashi Did not Create. I also own plot changes twists that weren't there before and I own my imagination.

Chapter Nine:Returning To The Village And Mates


I wondered what the hell was taking them so long. My mating marks had been throbbing on and off for the past couple of days. I just wanted my mates. I held the fox and lightning bolt charms that I had gotten from my mates Feeling the chakra run through them one was much stronger than the other.

I knew that Kashi was alive here and that was the only reason the chakra hadn't died out in my thunderbolt pedant. I had missed him so much, when I had heard he had died I had been so upset. We hadn't been together for long before the tragedy of his loss had happened.

I had wanted to go on the mission to help Ruto save Obito and Kakashi but I had other things that he needed me to do. So I stayed in the village preparing everyone that he requested I prepared. We wanted to save the Uchiha Clan this time around. We knew we couldn't save the whole clan but we could hopefully stop the seeds of distrust and doubt from growing.


We were almost back to the village. I could see the gates in the distance I was happy because Ino was in the village. I should tell you who my mates are Akimoto Hīringu, Ino Yamanaka and Kakashi I know that is a lot of mates but its the truth.

Now it was time to take care of a enemy ninja hidden in plain that's right I'm speaking of Danzo. Yeah that old warhawk deserved what was to come his thoughts or twisted and his Root program isn't for the good of leaf. Those poor orphans that are being used and have no way to escape.

I couldn't do anything about pedo Sennin at this time, which sucked big time, but if I were to do something to him in this time then I wouldn't be able to retrieve granny Tsunade when the time came. Yeah if dad is to survive then Tsunade might not become the fifth hokage but so what she never really wanted to be anyway.


I could see the gates coming closer I was happy we were almost home. I would be able to see my Nīsan and Onēsan again.

I saw how happy my Shisutā Sakura was to be back. She nearly ran towards the gates when she saw her mate Taiki waiting at the gate, I also noticed my sister in law Ino standing there as well. I sensed happiness coming from my brother.

Naruto flashed to Ino and lifted her spinning her in the air. I heard Ino giggle honest to kami giggle before she gave my brother a peck. She must of missed him while he was gone. Kakashi didn't show any reaction knowing she was a mate I guess the memory seal and jutsu worked wonders.

Tousan looked at Naruto in surprise and suspicion when he flashed with our kenki genki. I guess he didn't notice he could do that before. As far as he knew he was the only one who could do it with the exception Nīsan and Onēsan but they didn't know how to do so yet. It took time and patience to unlock that kenki genki the Flying thunder god technique.

"We'll tell you later Tousan." I said softly looking towards him. "You do deserve to know after all, we should have told you before though, but there wasn't time for it and we couldn't take the chance telling you before though." I added after a heartbeat. He looked at me weirdly when I called him Tousan and I blushed as the endearment had just slipped out.


How had Naruto used my version of the Flying Thunder God Technique it was tied into my Kenki Genki, and Ritsu why had he called me Tousan as far as I knew I only had two kids and they were only five and Kashina hasn't informed me she was pregnant again I mean I wouldn't have any complaints if she was we have always wanted a big family.

These ninja had mystery and secrets surrounding them. Who were these ninja? Why haven't I met them before? Where did they come from? If possible, When did they come from? I could clearly see that their Affiliation was Leaf. I would get the answers that I seek even if it will take time.

I saw Naruto lightly kiss the blonde girl that he flashed to. They must be together but what about Kakashi I had caught them kissing and cuddling after the mission was completed.

I noticed that my redhead beauty was also waiting for me at the gate for me with a giant grin on here face. When she saw that I had noted her standing there she started bouncing up and down. When I got closer opening my arms she ran into my arms.

"Welcome back Minato I've missed you so much. Our children have missed their Tousan as well. I'm so glad your back Mina. Ya know." Kashina informed me burling her face into my neck.

"I missed you guys too Kashina. I'm glad to be home for however long I will be here." I responded to her kissing the top of her head softly.

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