A Male's Lucky Catch

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     Artemis left his den walking off towards the exit of his packs camp until he was stopped by another wolf 

"are you sure that your well enough to head out" the wolf asked. Artemis rolled his eyes "of course the medicine wolf healed me with his magic so I'm perfectly fine now if there are no more interruptions I'm heading into town for my work" Artemis said walking passed the wolf. "I swear some of the wolves seem to not have any minds I was walking so I'm obviously healed" Artemis scoffed as he ran off toward the border lines of the woods. Hopefully I don't get lectured again for being late I can only miss two more days of work Artemis thought as he left the woods walking along side the dirt path turning into his human form.

     He had been walking for at least three hours until he had finally reached town where he soon found himself in his alley way he turned his head to see a group of kids walking behind him who appeared to be nothing but trouble. Well this will be interesting he thought as he turned around to face them his eyes glazing over turning red "ok what is it you brats want" he asked glaring at them 

"ah nothing really...just maybe some money my gang's been following you for ages and we are well aware of your job. A job in which pays well about sixty dollars an hour was it...well anyway if you give us the cash you have and other valuable we'll let you go unharmed" said the boy whom appeared to be the leader of the group. 

"Well I'm not planning to give you anything" Artemis said showing his fangs

"alright then if that's how it's going to be...gang go get 'em" the boy shouted as the group behind him pulled out there knives.

     "So be it" Artemis growled turning into his wolf form which scared the group behind the boy causing them to run but the leader stood still 

"you know there's usually more of a challenge when it comes to me transforming...what a bore anyway how come you haven't run off. Is it because your frozen in fear" Artemis asked going back into his human form 

"no it's because I'm not a coward like the rest of 'em" he said as he unsheathed his dagger. "Really now...but don't you think that's a bit naive to still be around willing to fight when a wolf shows up who could kill you at any moment" Artemis asked but the boy shook his head 

"it's not naive it's called survival if your not willing to defend yourself your better off dead" said the boy. 

"You know what I kind of like you what's your name" Artemis asked with a smirk 

"Zach but here in my gang they call me Delta" the boy replied.

"Nice well my name is Artemis and I've got an offer for you" Artemis said reaching out his hand before continuing "how would you like to be a part of my pack we could use someone with your attitude" Artemis asked Zach nodded and shook his hand. 

"I'll help you out here for now so if you need me come to the alley way on the west side of town" Zach said with a smile placing his dagger back inside his pocket then walking off. Well that's good but I'm an hour late to wok...great...well I guess I might as well not come in today Artemis thought as he wondered around the town. Not many people were out and about since it had been only Wednesday so everyone except for a select few were in buildings working.

     Artemis sighed unable to find anything interesting to do usually the town's more lively...well I guess there's no use in sticking around might as well go back to my pack and see what's up and maybe do some hunting in the woods Artemis thought turning into an alley way. But he stopped in his tracks sensing something near by it was a human but it wasn't moving he followed the trail of the scent his eyes once again glazing over red as he got closer. The scent had led him to a pile of card board boxes which were torn and covered in all sorts of garbage he slowly made his way around him approaching the cause of the scent cautiously. But stopped standing in front of a human boy he smirked looking down at him looks like I have you yet again...Nathan Artemis said silently to himself as he bended down to get a closer look ruffling Nathans hair.

     Hmm seems like you're out cold I guess you took quite a blow to the head when I knocked you down well the good news is that this could be fixed easily since I have a medicaine wolf back at my pack who withholds magic unlike the Glow Stone packBut it would have to be done in town somewhere since he's working a late shift today...oh well it seems there's no other way I guess I'll just have to go into his work and then bring him to Nathan. Jeez how troublesome...well I guess I can see if that kid can watch him for a bit since I don't need anyone else finding him especially another wolf  Artemis thought as he picked up Nathan.

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