The Search Continues

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    Argo had followed Nathan's scent trail to another alleyway on the far south side of town. "It's gone...the trail's gone" Argo said quietly 

"what do you mean it can't just disappear" Amber yelled losing her patience. 

"I can't tell his scent from all the others, I'm sorry Astral but unless his trail is somewhere nearby I wont be able to-" 

"No you will find him and that's an order" Amber growled with her fangs beginning to show.

Argo whined and continued to search for Nathan's scent. 

"Astral you have to calm down Argo is trying his best and he's right there are far too many scent trails here. Finding Nathan at this point and time is going to be truly difficult unless we have some other type of lead. Plus, we have time before the blue mist falls upon the town" Ari said. 

"Yes but it isn't the time I'm concerned about I told you this before it's not safe for him to be near Artemis. He (Artemis) can't be trusted" Amber said her fangs retreating back into her gums allowing her normal set of teeth to take place once again.

"I know but we can't doing anything about that until we find some other lead now I'm going to the market to get something to eat do you want anything" He asked pulling out his wallet 

"a slice of grilled chicken will be fine. That should be enough to suffice my wolf hunger for now" Amber said referring to the fact that her wolf side was showing a lot more than what she needed it to. 

"Ok then Argo what do you want" Ari asked calling out to him 

"nothing I'll eat when I return to my den" Argo said only turning to face him for a second then looking away to continue his search. 

"I'll get you a muffin then...I'll be back later so Astral don't do anything that I wouldn't do" Ari said walking off. Once Ari left the entrance of the alley way Amber began to head over to Argo 

"any luck" she asked but Argo only shook his head "look I'm sorry for yelling at you I'm just worried" Amber said. 

"Your only apologizing because of Ari's lecture, but i'll accept your apology anyway your the soon to be leader of the pack after all so it can't be helped" Argo said with a sigh.

They then continued to search quietly without any type interruption or conversation.     

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