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Ari turned his head looking up at the cracked ceiling of rotted wood as he shifted uneasily under the covers of the bed where he laid his head filled with questions he had from the night before. "I want to go back" Ari said quietly turning to his side he sighed deeply as he began to picture himself back home in his den where he rightfully belonged, but he knew he wouldn't be able to go back he had already betrayed them and was now stained with Artemis's touch and scent. A scent that still wondered throughout his body surrounding him wherever he went it was a sickening sweet aroma that made Ari want to throw up but he was addicted to it he liked the smell loved it even. But he was repulsive when thinking of who it belonged to but he couldn't help but feel submissive and relaxed whenever Artemis was around yet despite all this he couldn't get the thought of Coda out of his mind he longed for him by each passing day and night but Artemis wouldn't allow him to see him.

Ari howled softly before walking over to the door his footsteps soft and silent he scratched at the door whimpering softly like a dog begging to be let back inside on a rainy day the door opened revealing Artemis who smiled softly he had become nicer since last night. Ari growled softly pushing him back as he entered the hall the scent thickening around him he didn't feel like speaking today not to Artemis anyway but he knew he couldn't say silent forever he needed answers to questions that only Artemis knew the answers to. But that could wait because right now the most important thing to him was making sure Coda was safe he followed Coda's scent trail over to door that settled far down the hall knowing better than to trust Artemis who said that he was just across the hall.

He felt his heart shatter hearing Coda's small cries "Coda" Ari whispered softly his words weak and almost silent as he brought his hand up to the door putting his head up against the wall. "I'm sorry..." His voice was fading away now as tears began to trickle down his face he scratched at the door lightly with his hand. "Please...Coda talk to me I know you probably hate me for what I've done you're probably upset because I didn't try to rescue you like I said I was but I cant bear the thought of you not speaking me" Ari said his words soon welcoming a long moment of silence that only ended after the sound of a slight thump on the other side of the door.

"A-Ari" Coda cried his sobs fully audible now "I want to go home Ari please take me back home" Coda continued begging mercifully "'s dark and I-I c-can hardly hurts" Coda cried. 

"I know and I will get you out of there soon I promise...look the others should here soon and when they get here they'll take you back" Ari said as the sounds of Coda's cries became louder 

"what about you" Coda asked as his tears gathered into a puddle 

"I can't leave...look Artemis did something unspeakable and so will have to leave without m-". 

"NO!" he screamed hitting the door with his fists "I'm not leaving without you Ari I need you" he yelled as blood began to seep through the doorway causing Ari to worry 

"C-Coda" Ari yelled panicking 

"Ari you promised you will never leave me you said you wouldn't give up on me and now you're leaving me behind?

I've waited for you several times before I was always patient I listened to what you said I thought you loved me Ari" Coda cried. 

"I do love you" Ari said his tears coming to a stop 

"then why are you throwing me a way" Coda yelled as the amount a blood increased slightly at the sound of another thump 

"Coda" Ari yelled trying to open up the door as the sobbing stopped at the other end but the door was locked. "Coda" Ari yelled frantically but Coda wouldn't answer Ari backed up trembling at each step before charging towards the door knocking it off its hinges then stopped Coda was curled up into a ball his hair covered in dirt and dust. His face scared deeply and arms cut "C-Coda" Ari said before falling to his knees 

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