The Prophesy Child's Awakening

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     The girl rolled her eyes as she turned to face the safe house she was fed up with how Zack acted but she had no choice since he was the leader. As she got closer to the house she could see Artemis waiting with his pack member impatiently at the door 

"your little friend...or prisoner as you call him is upstairs. The  leader had to go off and take care of some business so do what you need to to do the doors locked so lock it back when your done I don't feel babysitting" she said growling under her breath. 

"I even you Akita can follow orders" Artemis said as he opened the door signaling his friend to go inside 

"I don't have time for this...look you may be the leader back in the pack but here your nothing but a magey mutt so leave and do what you came here to do. Zack will be back soon and when he gets back he can put up with you" Akita said as she walk to the back of the house. Artemis ignored her last remark and entered the house joining is friend up stairs. 

"So is this the brat you were talking about...looks like he took quite a blow to the head" he asked examining the boy 

"yeah well I wouldn't have had to do anything if it wasn't for Astrid speaking of which she'll be pretty upset once she notices he's missing. She'll get angry that's for sure but there's no way she'll get him back this time not a chance" Artemis said as the medicine wolf worked his magic casting a spell on Nathan a spell in which formed a icy blue mist around him.

"There he should wake in a few minute so it's be best to leave now so we won't cajuse him to faint when he wakes" he said then headed out the door expecting Artemis to join him but instead he stayed. 

Artemis felt his friend's presence behind him "you can go ahead I'm going to wait until Zach returns so I can set some new guarding boundaries and discuss a few matters on his place in the pack. Oh and when you return to the pack make sure to inform the patrols to strengthen our protection so no one gets in or out unless they're one of our own. I don't need Astrid getting in my way or any of the other wolves from that pitiful pack" Artemis said picking up Nathan then setting him down on the bed.     

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