Game Over

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Nathan awoke his eyes opening slowly soon finding himself inside a den but it wasn't in any pack's camp that he was familiar with no this one seemed to be abandon. He search the room finding Ari next to him he was breathing softly he seemed to be uninjured minus the scars on his face but nothing to serious "Ari" he whispered softly into his ear but Ari only snuggled closer. "Ari he whispered again this time a bit louder" but he was only shushed

"hush now my boy no need to wake the sleeping beauty" Artemis said softly his voice sending shivers down Nathan's spine he hugged Ari tightly

"S-stay away" he stammered 

"now now no need to be scared" he approached him slowly pressing his finger against Nathan's lips "so hush and relax for i only came with a gift" he said softly

"g-gift" Nathan question

"Yes a gift" he said then paused before calling two guards who threw in a unconscious boy inside he fell with a loud thud he was beaten and covered in bruises "leave now" he commanded to he guards and they left as well as he the three boys were alone.

"Nathan" the boy said quietly with a faint smile the movements paining him

"Argo" Nathan said running up to them and hugging him tight but after a small whine he let go Argo reached up caressing Nathan's cheek lightly with a tear darting down is cheek

"I love you" he said in a faint whisper

"i love you too" Nathan said quietly as he wiped the tear from Argo's cheek 

"I'm sorry Nate i've failed you..." he spoke breathing lightly "i was suppose to save you but we're running out of time pretty soon we'll all be Artemis's pets...his mates not even the Star Wolves can stop him now" he said nuzzling him gently

"what do you mean?" Nathan asked "i thought i was the only one in danger

"look the prophesy isn't what it seems Artemis did something unspeakable a long long time ago" he paused for a moment but failed to continue

"what Argo is trying to say is that we have to leave now" Ari said sleepily as he sat up his neck aching from the deep mark

"Yeah before its too late" Argo said as he shook slightly as Nathan stayed silent as he looked at the bite mark on Ari's neck which he quickly hid but not before Argo could see

"He bit you your marked" Argo yelled but Ari only nodded 

"yes he was marked and he loved it" Artemis said sliding into view "isn't that right lover boy" he asked but Ari  only averted his gaze 

"Just leave him alone" Nathan yelled running up to Artemis ready to clock him but Artemis grabbed his wrists twisting them then forcing them behind his back

"Don't you dare touch him" Argo growled ready to lunged but Ari leaped forward and stopped him 

"Don't" he whispered "he's already mad you'll only make it worse" and reluctantly Argo relaxed

"Stop" Nathan begged crying but Artemis ignored him and started to go for his neck

"No" Argo yelled pushing Ari of of him and lunging towards Artemis knocking him down with a kick then without warning formed his teeth into that of a wolf's and bit into the nape of Nathan's neck then bit into his hand making it bleed dripping the blood into the wound letting it settle. "He's mine Artemis nothing will take him from me now" Argo said

"Why you little cocky brat" Artemis growled

"You have to bite all of us don't you we all have to be marked by you and only you so i think your plan has failed" Argo said smiling as he walked over to Ari biting the nape of his neck as well all while Artemis stood still in surprise. "Bite me" Argo whispered in Nathan's ear once he made his way back over to him and bite he did "now i win"

"we win" Ari corrected him

"yes...we win Artemis you've lost its the end" Argo said as a blue sparkle drifted into the cave with a blue mist swirling around him 

"its over" Sora said coming into form she then smiled swirled around to Nathan "you did good young one" then she turned to Artemis "now as punishment for what you've done your pack shall crumble and you shall fade into nonexistence"

"wait no" he cried

"the  Blood Lust's will be happy to have you" she said as a warm glow formed around him the glow slowly vanishing with him as he withered away into the wind. She then walked out of Argo's body to face him "now I shall return to my rightful owner but before i go i will grant you but one wish" she said softly.

"Let the mark I lay on Nathan stay and the one i lay on Ari shatter set him free and let him be with Coda" Argo said and Sora then nodded at her nod leaves of all colors fell upon them and she vanished.


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