The Prophesy Revealed A Story Worth Listening To

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    Artemis came in the next day it had become a daily routine he'd come then go and then Zach would pop up he didn't get any other visitors aside from them. Today Nathan wasn't feeling too good he had been dealing with this constant headache and pain in his stomach ever since he woke up, but as expected Artemis didn't care. Nathan was curled up next to Artemis having no choice but to do so since it was snowing outside which was quite unusual for the town and extremely rare for this was something that happened once every blue moon. Artemis wasn't talking today he only starred at the wall he had something else on his mind which was normal for him for he didn't like talking when he was busy in his head.

    Nathan figured it had something to do with the pack he probably didn't have many patrols out around his territory since his wolves probably didn't like the weather. Artemis got up shoving Nathan off of him and walked out of the room with a look of anger on his face he didn't bother to lock the door and Nathan didn't bother to try escaping since Zach came in right after him. Zach would normally only bring some type of fruit for Nathan to eat but today he had something different in mind. He walked up to Nathan holding a bowl wrapped in foil and a thermos he set them down on the nightstand and pulled some medicine out of his pocket.

    "Okay well it's getting really cold lately and even if I want to Artemis won't let me bring you a coat or blanket so the best I could do was get you some chicken soup and hot coco oh and since you haven't been feeling well I brought you some medicine" Zach said. He then opened both the thermos and medicine then handed the pill to Nathan he helped Nathan take the pill then laid down next to him 

"I don't want to be here" Nathan said snuggling up to him. 

"I know but there's really nothing I can do this is the only way I can help you trust me if I could take you away from here I would but I can't Artemis has at least two of his wolves here all the time to make sure I don't cross him" Zach said. 

"I know but there must be someway to escape right there has to be a time when those two wolves aren't here if so we can get out of here somewhere that I can sleep peacefully. Here I'm tired and scared I'm never able to sleep at night with the fear that the next day will be the day Artemis mates with me I don't want that day to come" Nathan said crying into Zach's shoulder the thought alone of that day coming made him shake in fear. 

"I know but that won't happen I won't let him touch you, bite you, or hurt you I'll protect you from him I promise I won't let any harm come to you. The day I find a way to get you out of here we'll go somewhere far from this town it'll just be you and me all by ourselves we'll start a new life in a new town or even a forest if that's what you'd prefer. I'll keep you away from Artemis" Zach said hugging him 

"I'd like that but can Amber come as well" Nathan asked as Zach wiped away Nathan's tears 

"I'm afraid not she has to be with her family. You and Amber are not the same you know she lives the life of a wolf and hardly ever enters the life of a human unless it's for school not to mention the fact she has to lead her pack one day" Zach replied. 

"I guess your right well I wouldn't mind living alone with you" Nathan said his eyes closing as he drifted of to sleep in Zach's arms. Zach smiled looking down at him he was glad that he was finally able to rest but was a little concerned on the fact that Nathan didn't eat any of the food well I can always heat it up tomorrow for him Zach thought as he to drifted off to sleep. Zach awoke the next morning seeing that Artemis was already in the room leaning up against the wall since his usual place was taken up.

    Zach looked over at him and gave him a sharp daring glare in which Artemis quickly noticed "what's this your becoming aggressive" Artemis said. 

"You best stay away from him or I'll tell the Wolvers your walking among us" Zach said as Artemis began to walk towards him 

"really I thought you were better than this honestly I expected better from you. But of course you had to go and disappoint me by falling for my future mate and even sleeping with him not even mentioning the fact that you think you own him thinking you are capable enough to keep me away from him" Artemis said standing before him. 

"He's not yours it's clear that he'd rather be with me more than you so why don't you just back off and leave him be" Zach argued.

    "What does that matter he has no say in the matter he's mine I've won it's as simple as that" Artemis said moving his hand to Nathan who still asleep but Zach slapped him before he could touch him. 

"You have yet to win it's only been a couple of hours you didn't give the other pack enough time it's not fair" Zach yelled almost waking Nathan 

"so what we Ember Wolves don't play by the rules" Artemis said. "Either way I'm not letting you take Nathan away from me so easily he's the only person who's ever thought as me as kind despite the fact that I come off a bit mean and tough" Zach said. 

But Artemis laughed "what's so tough about you to me (a wolf) you're no stronger than new born pup you wouldn't even match the strength or slyness of a fox" 

"whatever you may say won't get to me so you might as well stop trying to make your way under my skin. I've spent to long building a fortress around my heart to keep those feeling away and it's not going to be destroyed by a wolf like you" Zach said.

    "I can conquer any wall you place before me so a fortress will not keep my words out long for I have a way to get under everyone's skin" Artemis said his words followed by a challenging growl. 

"Yes but mine is made of pure steal and is impossible to break but the day you manage to find a breach you'll only be a few more walls to get to me before you can take Nathan away because every wall is set up in order to protect him. Simply because I'd rather be slowly broken down than seeing him in pain I'd rather be hurt in his place" Zach said after saying his last few words Artemis jumped him pinning him down on the ground after pushing him off the bed. 

    "Again trying to protect him thinking your strong enough to challenge me in a battle when I could easily kill you at any moment your no better than him a useless brat who keeps getting himself in trouble at every turn. Neither of you can accept reality nor are you strong enough to go up against it you just like him do not understand the prophesy set before you" Artemis said as Zach struggled to escape him. 

"That's only because we've never hear of such thing up until now maybe if you took the time to explain it to us we would have at least a bit of understanding of the matter" Zach said. Artemis let out a sigh of annoyance and released Zach from his grip and stood before him as he began to tell the words of the Prophesy.

    "The prophesy of The Ending Warrior is long tale of a human boy and a half wolf, a tale in which had been passed on to many generation of half wolves. The tale had become popular among our kind simply because this boy held power in which no half wolf or human could possess a power that could be passed on the the first human or half wolf who mates with him. Not many humans have heard of the tale and the ones that did thought of it as just a story but to us half wolves it was very real the sky wolves granted our wish placing this boy here who holds the power of the prophesy. The sky wolves did so for the reason we're being hunted and mating with this boy here on the night of the blue mist will give the wolf or human the power to change that. When the boy was revealed to us he was already of age for wolf mating so now we're just waiting for the blue mist to fall upon this town. The mist is expected at dawn and won't appear for two more weeks until then I have to keep this kid away from the 'ever so powerful' Glow Stone Pack" Artemis explained his words coming from that of his own memory as if it was something he recited daily.

     "So you say it can be beast or man who mates with him right, so all I have to do is be there before you to defend him" Zach asked not seeming the least bit of surprised by his speech. 

"Yes, however that won't be so simple for the fact that a beast can beat a man any day whether it's by a comparison, fight, or simply intelligence" Artemis said. 

"That may be true but there is a difference between man and beast for a reason" Zach said but Artemis only scoffed leaving the room ignoring his words.                 

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