Chapter 9

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The soles of Virgil's sneakers slapped on the concrete as he ran down the sidewalk, looking around wildly.

After his father had left for his date, Virgil went on with his own plans for the evening. He spent the whole night talking to Roman Hamilton, getting to know him, and sometimes laughing and smiling so much his face hurt. He didn't know what it was about Roman, but he seemed to help Virgil get out of his shell. Which is why today, he's going on his first date ever. And his father had no idea what he was doing, or where Virgil really was.

Virgil finally slowed down, recognizing the area now. He took a deep breath (which was hard after sprinting for so long) and tried to calm himself a bit.

He dressed up a bit neater than usual for the occasion, wearing black jeans and a plain, dark purple t-shirt. He had dug through his father's closet, and found a fancy, fitted black jacket. On the sleeve, written in white cursive, was A. Sanders. He didn't know what the 'A' stood for, but paid it no mind. The outfit was simple, yet it made him even more attractive.

His heart was racing from the severe anxiety that usually plagued him, and he leaned against the outside of a building, making sure he didn't get his clothes dirty in the process. He looked around, then instantly perked up upon seeing Roman walking towards him, looking handsome in blue jeans and a red, fitted shirt, clearly deciding to go casual like Virgil.

"Why, hello, my emo nightmare," Roman greeted, smiling down at the shorter teen in front of him.

The nickname caused a blush to color Virgil's face with a light red tint.

Roman offered his arm to Virgil, and hesitantly, he took it, hoping his date wouldn't notice how badly he was shaking, or how his palms were sweating from how nervous he was.

The two walked down the street together, and they soon turned and walked into a park. Virgil let Roman lead him down the concrete path, right to a large oak tree. Letting go of his date's arm, Roman produced a soft blanket from the picnic basket he'd been carrying. He laid it down under the tree, and gestured for Virgil to sit.

Virgil looked at Roman, tilting his head to the side in confusion, like a puppy.

"Ugh, stop, that's too adorable," Roman said, his tone joking. He pretended to swat Virgil away, though he never truly touched him.

Virgil's face once again dusted red, and he sat down on the blanket as told, silently. He resisted the urge to run his fingers through his hair, a nervous habit of his.

Roman joined him on the blanket, holding two wine glasses with what looked like a glass wine bottle tucked under his arm.

"Roman, we're in a public place. We can't drink..."

"Ahh, but this isn't alcohol," Roman replied, chuckling. He popped the top on the bottle, and the scent of apples filled the air between them. "Apple cider."

"Ohh..." Virgil was embarrassed now. How could he be so stupid?

Roman took notice. As soon as he finished pouring the cider into their glasses, he looked up at Virgil. "It's okay, Virge..." he said softly.

Not only did the words and tone calm him, but the combination made Virgil figuratively melt. "O-Okay."

Roman gave him a dazzling smile, and clinked their glasses together before taking a sip.

Virgil found himself returning the smile, sipping the cider slowly. His head was turned up slightly, towards the sky as the sun started to set, making the sky a mix of beautiful blues, purples, pinks, and oranges. Lowering his glass, Virgil sighed happily, having always enjoyed sunsets.

Looking over at him, Roman lowered his glass too. He slowly reached for Virgil's hand, and surprisingly, he didn't pull his hand back. Instead, he allowed the bolder boy to lace their fingers together, the soft touch warm and comforting.

Hesitantly, Virgil turned his head to look at his date. He was surprised to see that Roman was already looking at him, a dreamy smile on his face.

Virgil felt a warm, fluttery feeling in his stomach. Talking with Roman, doing things with him, even being around him, was doing something to Virgil, in a good way. And he didn't mind it one bit.

*•*•*•*•*•* Meanwhile *•*•*•*•*•*

"That's preposterous!" Logan exclaimed.

Patton giggled. "It's true, Lo!"

Logan shook his head in disbelief, unable to believe Patton. "You're telling me that you came out to your whole school? In front of everybody?"

Patton nodded. "My homophobic parents weren't coming to my chorus concert because they were out of town for something, so I took the opportunity to finally be myself. I got a white t-shirt, then painted 'I AM GAY!!!!' on it with rainbow fabric paint! And I wore a rainbow flag as a cape too! It was great!" As Patton spoke, he spun around on the bar stool he sat on. The two were sitting in the teacher's kitchen. Earlier, Logan had invited Patton to come over, and eagerly, he accepted, which led them to this.

Logan shook his head again, laughing slightly. "As much as I want to believe that you're lying, I also know you rather well now. And that sounds like a very Patton-like thing." He smiled over at the barista, who blushed pink at the beautiful sight of Logan's smile.

Patton's eyes drifted over to the oven, and his eyes widened as he realized what time it was. "I'm sorry! I have to go!" He stood up quickly, picking his jacket up and sliding it on. He felt like Cinderella as he hurried to slide on his shoes.

Logan chewed his lip. He looked like he wanted to ask Patton to stay longer, but that was wrong for two reasons. 1). Virgil already thought Patton was working, and would get worried if he wasn't home as usual, even if he did lie and say he was working overtime and 2). Logan couldn't even work up enough courage to ask Patton this question.

"Bye, Lo! I'll text you later!" Without thinking, Patton dropped a quick kiss onto Logan's cheek, then swung the door open and hurried out the door.

Logan stood there for a few moments, a bit shocked. His fingertips hovered over the spot on his cheek where Patton kissed him, and he couldn't help but smile, watching him go.


"I'm going to be late, I'm going to be late..." Patton muttered, putting a bit more force down on the gas petal. He was easily going about ten miles per hour over the speed limit, nearing fifteen now.

Normally, he'd go slower, as past experiences always made him a careful driver. But Virgil was on his mind now, and with his phone already dead, keeping him from calling Virgil, he didn't want to upset or worry his son any more than he already would be.

Patton made a sharp turn, cursing as he almost forgot to turn on this road.

He was driving so fast now, and he didn't even see it until it was too late. Patton let out a shrill scream before everything went black.


I know...this update is pretty late, like the last update. But I've been at the beach and I finally had some time to write.

Anyways, check out that cliffhanger! And enjoy!

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