chapter 4~can we continue?

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I couldn't believe it, she kissed me.

I'm kissing back, of all things my sugar momma is my first kiss.

Demi pulled away and had a devilish smirk on her face, I looked at my hands and fidgeted with the cuffs on my hoodie.

Demi lifted my head up and stared at me, she had a warm smile on and she seemed somewhat concerned.

"you okay?" I barely nodded before rubbing my face.

"I'm gonna go to bed, night." I whispered, I stood up and rushed to my room and closed the door. I went and sat on the bed and groaned. Why did I chicken out?

I laid back against the bed and pushed the pillow over my face for a second.

I let out a sigh but quieted myself when I heard a knock on the door. I sat up quick and staye quiet for a second.

"Max, honey, I just want to talk for a bit" I bit my lip and got up and opened the door, I stared at my feet and went and sat on the bed.

Demi came over and sat beside me and sighed.

"I'm sorry for doing that, I realized that you weren't comfortable with it. But I was correct when I said you have a crush on me" I looked over and smiled a little, I blushed and shook my head.

She was good already at realizing stuff.

Demi leaned over and pulled me into a hug, "how about we back track and start over, or if you want we can pick up from before", I nodded slowly and rubbed my face.

"I guess we can pick up from before. As long as we go slow I'll be okay." Demi smiled and nodded, she brushed the hair off my face and turned me towards herself.

I bowed my head and felt my face become red.

Demi lifted my head and gently and very slowly kissed me. I felt my body relax as I closed my eyes. Demi pulled me gently towards herself and pushed my body onto the bed.

In my head the only thought going through was that I was kissing the Demi Lovato.

Demi slowly turned me around and barely pushed me back, she pulled away and had a tender smile on her face.

She lifted the hem of my shirt and tilted her head, "can we continue?" I unhurriedly nodded my head and suddenly felt shy.

Demi sat back on her heels and held my head in her hands, "I'll go slow, I promise", I looked at her and saw that she seemed concerned.

She pulled my hoodie up and over my head. She placed it on the side of the bed and smiled at me.

Demi got up and started to strip herself until she was in nothing. I felt myself get scared at the thought of sex. To say I was a virgin was the easiest way to put it.

Demi came back onto the bed and hovered over me.

She placed both hands by my head and leaned down and kissed me. I went to put my arms around her neck but stopped myself. Demi realized and moved my arms around her neck. We pulled away and I felt a little giddy.

I let out a small squeal when she grabbed my thighs, Demi looked at me and started to laugh.

"yes I made the sound of a mouse. Get used to it" Demi smiled and nodded.

She pulled me down towards the end of the bed and kissed my body.

I let out a quiet moan and felt Demi smirk against me.

"you like that babygirl?" I nodded and watched her as she kissed around my lower half. My breathing became a little weird and I felt like I was gonna explode.

Demi started to go slow and started to create hickeys on my stomach.

I went to put my hand behind her head but suddenly a phone rang. Demi sat up and ran over to get her phone, she sat on the edge of the bed and started talking. I sat up and scooted forward and wrapped my arms around her waist.

She looked over at me and smirked a little.

Demi gave a few "uh huhs" and a few "mhm's" and then hung up.

She sighed and gave a sad look.

"I got to go to the studio for something, Ill finish this later okay?" I pouted and nodded. Demi laughed and kissed me.

She went to get up and I suddenly felt uncertain.

"Um..Demi?", she turned around and gave a warm smile, "whats up honey?", I didn't know how she was gonna react but I still wanted an answer, "if you don't..mind me asking..what like..are we?", I looked at my lap and felt embarrassed and scared for asking.

Thoughts ran through my head and I started to panic. What if she kicks me out? What if she yells? Hell what if she says we're just friends?

My worry's stopped when Demi walked in front of me.

She crouched down and studied my face.

"I personally want to be more than just a sugar momma. Then again I don't want to be friends with benefits either. I have to get to the studio but we'll talk when I get back. In the mean time I want you to sleep in my room tonight." Demi stood up and grabbed my hand and led me to her room.

She brought me to her bed and grabbed a few blankets and two more pillows.

She brought them over and placed them in the middle of the bed.

She pulled the covers back and motioned for me to get in. I hesitantly got in and laid down. Demi kissed me and went and grabbed my phone and charger.

She plugged both in and gave me another kiss before turning the light off and leaving.

I laid for a moment and heard her shut the front door and then her car backing out of the drive way.

I sighed and tossed and turned for a few minutes.

When she had put the pillows and blankets in the middle of the bed I was about to protest.

I didn't want the middle.

Then again who am I to argue with her.

After a few minutes I felt my eyes becoming heavy with sleep. It only took about five minutes before I passed out.

Maybe this wasn't gonna be as bad as I thought.

In love with my sugar mommaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin