chapter 5~ just questioning

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I got to the studio and got out. The lights were still on and there was a lot of cars.

I shrugged to myself and walked in. Everyone in the room became quiet and turned towards me.

"Um..hello.." Everyone watched me for a few seconds before going back to what they were doing.

Kelsey came over and dragged me towards the other side of he room.

"okay we need to talk" I nodded and leaned against the wall. She took out her phone and held it towards me. It was a picture from the little coffee shop, it showed me and Max leaving the shop.

"Who is that?" I smiled and chuckled.

"okay so I might have made a little ad on a website asking for a little sugar baby. Nothing to be concerned about" Kelsey glared and sighed.

"Why Demi? Why?" I shrugged and pulled out my phone. I showed her the texts and tried my best to convince her that it was okay.

"what if she isn't okay with cameras being shoved in her face?" I sighed and rubbed my face.

"Its going to be okay. I'm gonna deal with this. Now, Is this all you wanted me down here for?" I raised my eyebrows and gave her a serious glare. She sighed and nodded.

"okay, I was just questioning it." I nodded and shrugged.

"Okay then, I'm going back home and I'm going to bed. Goodnight." I hugged her and walked right back out to my car.

I started it and drove home.

I grabbed my keys and unlocked the door and got in. I locked it once I was inside. I placed my purse on the kitchen counter and took my heels off. I walked upstairs and gently opened my door and found Max asleep. She was curled into a ball and was snuggling one of the pillows.

I smiled and walked over. I gently rubbed her back and then walked over to my closet.

I changed into short shorts and big t-shirt and went back over to Max.

I got under the covers and I felt Max stir a little. I slowed down and laid next to her, I pulled her towards myself and felt her pull me closer. I smiled and laid on my back.

I kept my eyes open for a bit until I couldn't keep them open anymore. In an instant sleep consumed me.


I let out a yawn as I stretched a  little.

I rolled over and barely opened my eyes, I saw a figure next to me sleeping. My mind raced for a second before I remembered where I was.

I looked over at Demi and smiled a little. I was surprised I was even still here.

I was taken out of my thoughts by Demi stretching and arching her back. My eyes went wide and I turned onto my side.

I laid still for a minute until I felt Demi wrap her arm around my waist. She pulled me close and gave a very light kiss on my neck.

I felt my stomach get butterflies from the kiss.

Demi kissed my neck again and I could tell she was smiling.

"Wake up honey" Demi rubbed my back and kept kissing my neck, I wanted to make a noise but I didn't want her to stop kissing my neck.

I let out a little whimper as she ran her mouth over my pulse point.

Demi chuckled and leaned over me.

"good morning hun" I let out a grunt and hid my face in the pillow. Demi pulled me closer and held onto me. I closed my eyes again and felt like I could go back to sleep at any moment.

She let go of me and rolled me onto my back, I whined and pulled the blanket up and around myself. Demi pulled the blanket down and leaned down and gave me a kiss.

As she pulled back my face went red.

"I don't have anything to do today, so its just me and you" My face got even redder at the thought of being around her the whole day.

"Why did you have to go to the studio last night?" Demi sat on my thighs and rubbed my chest.

"Some one from my team was asking who you were." I nodded and let out a yawn.

"So what are we gonna do all day?" Demi smirked at me and leaned towards my ear.

"I got a lot in store for you babygirl"

In love with my sugar mommaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant