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Mia Charlotte's POV;

i went back home and walked in, seeing that no one was there. I huffed and ran upstairs to my room, leaving my things and choosing new clothes since i was going to shower.

I walked in the bathroom and started stripping myself down. The feeling of being watched never went away, but Now I learned how to ignore it since There was no one.

I got in the shower and turned the cold water on, letting it soothe me. I always showered with cold water, since i found it so relaxing.

As i walked out of the shower, i took a towel to wrap myself in it, but By taking it i made my clothes fall off the counter.

I rolled my eyes and bent down to lick them up. I stood back up and i looked in the mirror. I froze the same second.

There was a man standing behind me, staring darkly at me. That was the man that i saw in my dreams!
i screamed and turning around quickly, seeing him in flesh.

"Who are you?! how did you get here?"

i yelled as i tried to open the doors, but They wouldn't budge. Like they were locked from the outside.
I was panicking terribly. And the fact that i had nothing on myself except from the towel, didn't help at all.

"Don't worry, Mia. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm here to protect you."

He said calmly, approaching me. His voice sounded just like it my dream. And that night when i... oh my God, he made me cum!!

"were.... were you there that night?!"

i yelled again, making him nod. At this point, my vision was blurry. I wanted to move, but when i did, i started falling.
i was about to reach the cold tile floor, but He caught me and brought me up to his chest.

As he carried me to my bed, i could smell his wonderful smell. I couldn't tell what the smell was, but I knew that was the most unique one I've ever smelt in my life.

"Close your eyes, rest."

he grinned as he covered me in blankets. Even tho i wanted to stay awake, my eyes closed and darkness took over.

-l a t e r-

i peeled open my eyes and the first thing I saw was the clock ticking. It was 3:47AM. Again.
That perfect timing scared me, but What scared me even more was that man.

"Are you awake?"

i suddenly heard a whisper that made me wince. I looked around again, seeing a tall silhouette hovering over me. I wanted to scream again, but He put his hand over my mouth and kneeled next to me.

"Don't be afraid, Mia."

He said in a tender tone, making my eyes to widen and my heart to pick up speed.

"How do you know my name? what are you doing here?"

"will you let me explain, babe?"

he asked and i took a deep breath That was caused by the nickname.

"I'm your Devil Guardian. I'm here to take care of you, protect and please you. I'm here to love you, Mia. Don't worry, i won't hurt you."

He said, making my jaw drop

"Are you joking? is my brother pranking me?"

"No, its not a prank. I was there at school, at that guy's place, last night... it was all me, baby."

He whispered and tangled his long fingers in my hair. I let him, since i was too shocked to do anything.

"So You..."

"Yes, I'm a devil. Only you can see me and feel me."

He said and i looked right at his eyes. They glowed, just like in my dream. He was so gorgeous, i just wanted to kiss those plump lips.

What the fuck am i thinking?

What the fuck am i thinking?

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