The Days Before The Boy Who Lived Came

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Mr and Mrs Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much. They were the last people you'd expect to be involved in anything strange or mysterious, because they just didn't hole with such nonsense.

Mr Dursley was the director of a firm called Grunnings, which made drills. He was a big, beefy man with hardly any neck, although he did have a very large moustache. Mrs Dursley was thin and blonde and had nearly twice the amount of neck, which came in useful as she spent so much of her time, spying on the neighbour's. The Dursleys had a small son called Dudley and a young daughter called Daisy.

In the Dursleys' opinion there was no finer boy or more polite little girl around. Only one of those statements were true. And I am pretty sure we all know which one it is.

Dudley was only one year old and Daisy only eight year old when Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived, arrived at their homes.

The day started off normal enough. Daisy (plus the entire neighborhood) was woken up to the sweet sounds of Dudley's crying.

That's how Daisy knew that, soon after her mother is done with making sure her 'sweet little Dinky Duddydums' was fine, her mother will walk into Daisy's room and gently wake her up.

Daisy was used to being an only child for seven years of her life. She used to have a routine with her mother.

Her mother would wake her up gently, then they would all get dress for the day and went downstairs for Breakfast- where her father would acknowledge her presence with a grunt and then continue to ignore her and just read his newspaper.

Then at exactly half past seven, her father would get up from his seat, kiss her mother on the cheek and pat Daisy's head. Even thought it was just a small pat on the head, Daisy's father never left the house without doing it. Making it part of the routine, and special to Daisy.

Daisy was a very bright child for her age. At the young age of four, she could already read a small book fluently and with ease. At the age of seven, she could do mathematical problems that Grade 4s did. She loved reading, learning and being active.

On the first day of school, she had correctly answered all the questions the teachers asked her and actually grew quite bored. So, the school phoned Mr and Mrs Dursleys about this and recommended her to be placed a grade higher.

They agreed, and now Daisy was the smartest but the youngest, by two years, in the class.

The Dudleys were very proud of her. And whenever they could, they bragged about her to everyone. Daisy was okay with this, as it meant that her father was more affectionate to her and proud of her. That was all she wanted and she was glad that it was working.

Then, Dudley came.

When Petunia told Daisy she was going to be an older sister, Daisy was absolutely ecstatic! She couldn't wait! She was just hoping that her younger sibling would like her, as much as she already liked them. But things didn't turn out like that...

Dudley and Daisy got along in their early year, with him still trying to figure out this strange world, but soon after he just always wanted attention.

And that meant less for Daisy.

And Vernon was too glad to give Dudley all the attention he wanted. He finally had a son! Someone to carry out the family name. He decided the minute that Dudley was born, that he would make sure Dudley ALWAYS got the attention he needed and was spoilt.

Petunia though, was a lovely mother in Daisy's eyes. She loved all of Daisy's small drawings that she made. And always tried to make an effort to attend all her swimming galas and soccer matches. Meanwhile, Vernon used the same excuse. He was too busy with work.

Back to the present day:

Daisy was sitting patiently and quietly in her chair at the kitchen table, eating egg and sausages that her mother has made her. On the other side of the table, sat Dudley who was restless as he squirmed in his high chair seat.

As Vernon got up to leave, he quickly pecked Petunia on the cheek and pat Daisy's head, Dudley screamed and threw his cereal everywhere as his father came to kiss him on the cheek.
"Little Tyke," chortled Mr Dursley as he left the house.

Now came the impossible mission which Daisy had to face everyday:  getting to school on time. For once.


[Total Amount Of Words:795 Unedited. ]

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