The Days After The Boy Who Lived Came...

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Ever since Harry arrived, a lot of things changed for Daisy Dursley. She started having less time for herself, because every free moment she had was spent fussing over Harry. Not that she was complaining. She insisted on doing this and she was not going to back out now. School became a lot harder because she had to balance both caring for Harry and school work. But she managed and in the end her results came back phenomenal!

Yet, she got no "congratulations, Daisy" or pat on the back. Her parents were still miffed at her for wanting to care for young Harry. They would greet her in the mornings with a shake of the head and a mumbled "morning", before retreating back to other things-like she didn't even exist.

Daisy was heartbroken and torn at this. She wanted her parents to keep talking to her and not be mad, but on the other hand she also wanted to care for her cousin. And then she got mad. Why should she have to be the responsible one?! Why couldn't her parents just suck it up and deal with it like a mature adult?

She confided her situation with Isabella, who was bewildered at the fact a grown adult would do such a thing. Isabella and Daisy have gotten closer through their fourth year and were basically joined to the hip. Where the one went, the other followed.

It was now the holidays, so Daisy didn't need to worry about Harry while she was at school.

She always worried that something would happen to Harry when she left to school and was rather reluctant to leave him alone. Even though she had just met Harry, she was immediately fond of the young child. She made sure that he got fed and always made sure he got a diaper change (of course, she called her mother for that matter).

Every day when she came back from school, she would rush to the cupboard and get Harry straight out of there. It annoyed her mother to no end.

But the thing that Daisy thought was the most important thing that she mustn't do would be to neglect Dudley.

Sure, her brother was a HUGE pain but she still loved him. Did she think her needed to be put straight? Definitely. She tried scolding him off a few times, but then he would just whine and her mother would come to his rescue.

Soon, the mantelpiece began filling with pictures of a round blonde beach ball- also known as Dudley.

There was no pictures Harry, no trace that there was ever another toddler living in the house. As Daisy will grow up, it will show that she always had a soft spot for Harry, and here is kind of where it started.

Daisy was a nine year old. If she wanted money or anything then she had to ask her parents. And, if you had not notice, her parents were not talking to her at the moment and she wouldn't risk it.

But Daisy didn't have to face this problems alone. Isabella was always there for her. She would cover for Daisy went she didn't (rarely) do her homework. One day when they were at school, Isabella had a surprise for Daisy.

"Okay, now close your eyes and hold out your hands," Isabella instructed as the two of them sat on a bench in the park. Daisy rolled her eyes and did what her best friend said.

She held out her hands and then felt Isabella put something in her cupped palms.

"Can I open my eyes now?" She asked feeling the mystery object with both of her hands.

"Yep!" Isabella shrieked, clearly excited.

Daisy opened her eyes and looked at the object in her hands. It appeared to be... a box.

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