Learning More About Harry...

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Daisy is 12 years old.

Harry is 4 years old.

Izzy is 13 years old.


The last bell of the day rang as Daisy and the rest of the school piled out of their classrooms and into the corridors. Daisy and her two friends were shoved left and right as they tried to navigate their way to their lockers that were,fortunately, next to each other. 

Daisy sighed in relief as she finally got to her grey colour locker. She unlocked her locker with her key and opened her locker. Inside, were just two books as well as a few pictures of her, Izzy, Connor, Roni and Harry that they took a while back.

"Hey, Daisy," she turned her head to Connor whose locker was on the right by her.


"Isn't Izzy getting back soon?"

"Yep!" Daisy responded back cheerfully.

"Maybe we could do something tomorrow," Ronni asked, her locker being on the left of Daisy.

Daisy and Connor agreed with her, then made plans to visit Izzy by her house tomorrow and then go to the park. And, since it would be holiday tomorrow, Daisy asked if she could bring Harry with her.

Roni and Connor agreed happily with that idea. They really didn't mind Harry coming along with them, especially Roni who would always be pinching his still slightly chubby cheeks.

"Well, I better get going," Daisy says. She gives Roni and Connor a hug before walking down the steps of the school and to home. Lately, her mom hasn't been able to pick her up since she's always been busy with Dudley. Which made it harder for Daisy, because it took her longer to get home, and therefore longer to get Harry out.

Even though, it's been three years since he showed up in our doorstep, nothing has changed with Daisy's parents. They still despise him for some odd reason, even though he is a 4 year old toddler and the worst he could do would be puking on you.

But she has a feeling it has more to do with Harry's parents. She's never really met them before and only vaguely remembers meeting Aunt Lilly, Harry's mom, but that's also not that Clear. They don't have any pictures of them either...

Daisy didn't get to ponder on this for too long before she arrived home. She cheerfully waved to Mrs Friggs who was outside watering her plants. She took the key that was hidden under a pot plant and opened the door.

She quietly closed the door and ran upstairs, trying not to make too much noise since Dudley was probably sleeping and if you wake him up, you might as well have woken up a dragon, and Daisy learnt the hard way to never wake him up.

After she dumped her bag in her room, she raced down stairs to get Harry. The only times that Harry was ever let out when she was in school, was when her mother gave him breakfast and lunch and when he needed to go to the toilet. Most of the time he spent in the cupboard under the stairs, no matter how much Daisy pleaded with her mother.

"Hey Harry," she knocked softly on the door, "It's me, Daisy." She gently opened the door while sticking her head in to make sure she doesn't hit him by accident. The minute the door was fully opened Harry's face lit up with a smile and he leapt out of his bed and into her arms.

"Daisy!" Harry squealed, pulling the end of her name to make it sounds more like "Daiseeeeee."

She carefully pulled him out of the cupboard and set him back on the floor.

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