Meeting a Friend...

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Harry is one year old.

Daisy is nine years old.

(Based on a thing that I saw on pinterest)


The weeks after Harry arrived, was some of the most stressful weeks for Petunia. Since, she was the one of the only living family members of the deceased, she was put in charge of organizing the funeral. Which would have been a lot more easier had there not been three kids that needed taking after (two of whom just learned to walk).

Of course having Daisy around sure helped and even though they didn't see exactly eye-to-eye, Daisy still helped around whenever she could, especially when it came to looking after Harry. She couldn't be there always as she had to go to school, and that was where the problem was. Petunia had to juggle cleaning around the house, doing errands, looking after the toddlers as well as planning the funeral.

It was a few days before the funeral that they got an unexpected visitor.


Daisy had just finished drying up the dished from lunch when the doorbell rang. Her mother was upstairs, trying to get the babies to sleep so Daisy volunteered to do the dishes (which  led to her standing on a stool to reach the sink because she was so short).

She let out an exasperated breath. She was so tired and sore. Earlier on the day at school, they played a game of dodge ball and unfortunately Daisy was not as lucky as her other friends.

Connor was a natural, obviously. Daisy was pretty sure he was not human from how good he was at sports AND school work. She came to the conclusion that he just had to be a robot. He was the type of person to complain about getting a ninety percent mark on an exam and being really good at wood work.

Veronica might not look strong or athletic, but don't judge a book by its cover. She can throw a hard dodge ball if someone messes up her hair.

And last, but not least, Izzy was a natural like Connor. She was strong, beautiful and talented at almost everything (that girl was talented but Daisy had seen her try and do art and it had not gone well). Daisy really admired her though.

Daisy rolled her shoulders out and stepped off the ladder. She listened to hear if her mum had gotten the door, but was met with Dudley's crying and the doorbell ringing again.

'Oh great. Now I have to answer the door,' Daisy thought with a pout, as she worked up the courage to face the person behind the door. 'Probably will be Aunt Marge or someone...'

She put on her best smile (which really just came out as a grimace) and opened the door a bit to peek outside at whatever family member was there. However, she tried to her surprise when she didn't recognize the person.

It was a man with brown hair standing outside her door. He wore a big woolen cloak as well as a jumper underneath. He had light brown hair with a few grey hairs peeking out. But, what most struck out for Daisy was how he had a huge scar running down his face, as well as a few smaller scars.

A few seconds went pass as neither of the two spoke just staring at each other. It seemed as if the older man was also confused.

'Daisy dursley! Where is your manners' Daisy mentally scolded herself.

She gave the man a hesitant smile and greeted, "Hello."

The man also broke out of his daze and coughed, "Oh, yes. Uhm, hello." He turned his head to look at the number on the house, "Sorry to bother you. Maybe  I got the wrong house..."

Daisy gave a genuine smile this time. "Who are you looking for?"

The man answered, "Does a Petunia Dursley live here?"

Daisy decided to have a little fun with this stranger, "Last time I checked she did."

The man looked a bit shocked before seeing how she smiled and joined in. "My name is Remus Lupin." He put his hand forward.

Daisy hesitantly looked at the hand before raising a eyebrow at Remus, "Stranger danger?"

Remus smiled and retracted his hand, "Smart girl. So, Petunia Dursley does live here?"

Daisy nodded her head, "Yep."

"So, then you must be..." the man brought a hand to his chin, "Daisy?"

Daisy looked at him with eyebrows raised, "Sorry, but have we met before?"

Remus smiled at the polite child, "No, but I've heard a lot about you from your aunt."

Daisy perked up, "You mean Aunt Lilly, right? You don't look like someone who would be friends with my Aunt Marge."

Remus smiled and nodded, "Yes. I went to school with your aunt and was close friends." His eyes suddenly dimmed and he gulped.

"So, then you're here because of..?"

The man straightened up, "Yes. I was hoping to be able to speak to your mother."

"Uh-" Before she could answer, she heard footsteps behind her. She turned around and saw her mother coming towards her with Dudley in her arms and Harry clinging to her leg.

"Daisy, who's by the door?" Her mother yanked the door open and glanced up. The man and her mother made eye-contact and there was some hesitance in both parts.

The man gulped again before giving a brief nod to her mother, "Petunia."

Her mother squinted her round eyes at Remus, as if searching for his name, "You were one of those friends..."

"Remus, mum," Daisy answered, tugging on her mother's dress.

When the door was opened wider, Harry caught a glimpse of the man and let a shriek. Before anyone could react, he ran through the door and latched himself on Remus' leg.

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