Izzy's School

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Izzy is 11 years old.

Daisy is 10 years old.

Harry is 3 years old.


Izzy hated lying. More than she hated Potions. More than she hated tomato sauce (and that is saying a lot). But, Izzy had no choice. She couldn't tell her best friends at home, she would put her school to shame if she did.

But it was killing her inside. She and Daisy never kept secrets form each other. Izzy knew almost everything about her and vice versa.  But in order to protect her self and her other life she couldn't tell Daisy any of it.

She couldn't tell Daisy about her favourite classes, teachers, shops, anything.

In some way, Izzy thought that could be a good thing. If she did even tell them they might just hate her and call her a freak.

So, Izzy decided (not like she had another option) to not tell any of her friends about her other life. Her other world of being... a wizard.

Yup, she was a witch and attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

(Cue audience gasps even though I am pretty sure everyone saw this coming.)

It started on the night of her birthday. Everyone from the party had left and she was just helping her mom and dad clean up the mess when the doorbell rang. They were all surprised since they weren't expecting anyone. Her father, who worked as an accountant, went to see who was by the door.

When he opened the door, he was more than surprised to find a lady wearing robes and a pointy hat standing there. There didn't seem to be a car waiting for her or any mode of transport. 

The lady started the conversation, "Good evening. Do you happen to be Mr Garcia?"

His father hesitantly asked, "Sorry to be rude but who are you?"

The lady smiled, "My name is Professor Mcgonagall. I am a teacher at Hogwarts. I have come to deliver a letter as well as an explanation."

And that was how it started.

Her father invited this Professor Mcgonagall into their home. She first spoke to just her parents before telling Izzy about it (not like she already knew because she wasn't standing right outside the door listening to every word or anything. Pfttttt). 

Izzy first thought that this had to be a prank. Wizards and Witches? No way. There just was no such things like that. Her parents couldn't possibly be believing this lady who randomly showed up at 10 o'clock at night, right?

Professor Mcgonagall noticed how skeptical Izzy looked and decided to prove it to her. She asked Izzy, "What can I do to prove to you that magic is real?"

Izzy looked at her weirdly. Was this woman seriously going through with this still? She sighed and replied, "I don't know..." Then an idea came to mind. "Make something float?"

Professor Mcgonagall gave a small smile and took her wand out of her robe's pocket-yes, an actual dark wooden wand- and she waved her wand,said two words and the sugar container started rising into the air.

Izzy's eyes grew big. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Actual real life magic being used by a witch! How wicked was that?! She couldn't wait to tell Daisy all about it.

After that, she told Professor Mcgonagall that she believed her.

Professor Mcgonagall smiled and took out a letter that was tucked somewhere into her robes. She gave it to Izzy's parents who read over the contents. Meanwhile, Izzy was bombarding Professor Mcgonagall with a whole bunch of questions of the wizarding world. Professor Mcgonagall was patient and answered each of her questions.

When it was time for Professor Mcgonagall to leave, she told Izzy's parents, "I will send another teacher to take Isabella shopping for school supplies. Will tomorrow be okay?" Her parents nodded.

And that was the story of how Isabella found out that she was a witch. Of course she wanted to rush to Daisy and tell her everything but she couldn't.

At first, Isabella thought she would never be able to keep a secret that big from her. Daisy was a really smart girl, and solving riddles was her favorite. So, Izzy had to be VERY careful when talking to her. At times, she almost let the cat out of the bag, but she managed to cover it up and make an excuse for it. Though, Daisy was still very skeptical of her.

Now it's been a whole year since she started at Hogwarts, it has been harder for Izzy. Especially when she learnt about the supposed death of You-know-who.

They were in History of Magic, the teacher was reading from the textbook and, as usual, Izzy was trying very hard not to fall asleep. A couple of times her friend had to kick her under the table to keep her from falling face first onto the desk.

She was just dozing of when she heard, "... Harry Potter-" her head immediately snapped up.

A thousand scenarios raced through her mind. She scolded herself. It couldn't possibly be her Harry. But... Now that she thought of it, she knew Harry wasn't Daisy's actialy sibling of course, but she never bothered to ask more about it. She figured that Daisy probably wouldn't want to talk about it.

Could it be possible that the Harry she knew, the little 3-years-old toddler, was the one that defeated you-know-who?

Then she had another thought, 'Does Daisy know?'


Total Word Count: 927

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