Chapter 7 : Cielle is our Nakama !!

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Huh ? I am falling..... This is relieving... I can die finally. No more abuse... No more pain.... But... I got to see Natsu, Lucy, Lisanna and everyone again... and I .. I got to see Laxus again..... that is more than enough for me..... I just wish, I just wish I could spend more time with them.... more with him....

Cielle's eyes gave in and slowly tears streamed down. She raised a weak hand to cover her mouth while sobbing. That's it I guess.... It's the end.. ..

Out of nowhere, two firm arms caught her just as she was about to fall hard. "Huh ?" Cielle looked up to see who it was, who saved her at the nick of time. Laxus !

He landed after jumping to catch Cielle falling down, still holding onto her tightly. "Ooof ! Made it ..." He spoke as his hands caught the ground for grip. "What the hell..." His eyes grew wide after seeing Cielle's face, covered with bruises and blood.

"Laxus..Laxus what are you doing here ? How... How did you-"

"DID YOU CATCH HER ????? IS SHE FINE ?" Natsu's voice yelled as the he and the rest of the group caught up to the lightning dragon slayer. Thank the heavens, they just made it in time. Happy and Carla were flying high above the group to spot Cielle and they witnessed her getting assaulted by the members of Sulphur Eyes.

They immediately delivered the urgent news. With that Natsu and Laxus raced towards the cliff. Every thing was perfectly timed. Laxus caught Cielle right before she fell to her death.

"She's here Natsu ! Where's Wendy ? Her injuries are serious"

"She's catching up soon !" Natsu yelled.


"Who are they Cielle ?" He asked, still holding onto her, facing her.

"They.. they are members from my previous Guild."

"They were responsible for all that happened to, am I right ?" He asked,his voice gravely serious.

Cielle only nodded in response. "I.. I did not want to get y-you-"

"That's all I wanted to know." He set her down gently and stood up.

"Natsu ! Those guys are up there."

"They did this to Cielle huh ? I'll kick their asses right away." Natsu's hands ignited in his flame.

"Lucy ! Take Cielle back to the Guild. Stop somewhere safe and Wendy, use whatever you can to heal her !" Laxus ordered as he saw the two girls catching up.

"Got ya ! Open, gates of the goat ! Capricorn !" She summoned her celestial spirit.

"Capricorn, carry Cielle and let's get outta here as fast as we can !" Lucy commanded and recieved an obedient nod.

Laxus walked towards Natsu but Cielle's hand reached out and grabbed his. "Laxus.. Laxus they are strong.." She spoke with eyes brimming with tears.

"They- they killed my parents and I know they're capabilities.." She whispered in fear.

Laxus knelt near her and cupped her right cheek. "Cielle. Do you need our help ?" He asked slowly. Natsu and everyone quietly waited for Cielle to answer.

Cielle's eyes widened as tears streamed down. "Help me... Please.." She whispered in tears.

Laxus smiled. "Put your faith in us." With that, he got up and walked towards Natsu. "Natsu. They hurt your guildmate." He smiled.

"Damn right. I'll wipe the ground with their faces." Natsu growled. "I am all fired up !!!!"

Capricorn came and scooped up Cielle. "Let's head towards the forest near the guild. That's safer !" Lucy shouted and soon they left carrying their injured comrade.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2014 ⏰

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