All For You Pt. 1/3 | Hinata Hyuga (Naruto) X Uchiha!M!Reader

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Back to hell we go. I don't know, been forever since I wrote, so fuck my old writing style I guess.

Jesus, the last time there was a proper update this book was at about 55k Reads, now it's already pass 250k. You all are thirsty.

As I said earlier, I may have also lost my usual writing style during my long, loooooooong doing fuck all but studying (which thankfully I finished last year), meaning this story might be quite different to my past entries.

Also have fun trying to understand anything if you don't have much knowledge on Naruto, since world-building is now one of my most common tendencies to write.

Anyways enough rambling, enjoy reading (I'm going to regret making this a three parter, I can feel it). See you guys again in 84 years.

Requested by TYBG48. Wonder if you're still alive?


Misfortune was a word which encompassed (Y/N)'s early life. To begin, he was supposed to have a younger sibling, but the delivery did not end well and it ended in a stillbirth. Years afterwards, both his mother and father had died before he even begun his studies in the Academy. The reason for their deaths left hidden from him, leaving him with the feeling of abandonment.

Even as a child, (Y/N) Uchiha had a deep understanding of the world around him. Because of this, (Y/N) matured rather quickly for his age, and his Sharingan activated at a very young age comparably to other of his clansmen. His mindset developed to match to another fellow Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha, the prodigy of the Uchiha. Regarding Itachi Uchiha, the two were first cousins, as their respective fathers were twins.

Their feats were also quite similar. Both mastered forbidden jutsu at a young age, and both graduated from the Academy within a year. They were even thought to be twins, with only each other being their only equal.

But this is where their paths diverged.


Many years have long passed since the day the Demon Fox, called the Nine-Tails, attacked Konoha, resulting in the beast becoming sealed inside Naruto Uzumaki. The incident which also resulted in the death of the Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze. Because of this, the villagers branded the young Naruto as a demon due to said Demon Fox being sealed within him. From a distance, (Y/N) had observed everything as the young Naruto continued to be isolated from the villagers. Though he understood why the villagers had chosen to disregard the existence of the young Uzumaki, he did house the Nine-tailed Fox inside him, after all. The very monster who took away many of their loved ones, caused great destruction upon the village and killed the Fourth Hokage.

But (Y/N) did not share the same sentiment as the villagers, maybe it was because the boy before him wasn't the Nine-Tailed Fox. Maybe it was because he knew the boy would face the most prejudice amongst the village for harbouring such a dangerous being. He knew the feeling of loneliness, so he didn't want another to experience it. (Y/N) walked up to the weeping child, crouching to his level as he spoke. "Hello there."

At the sudden appearance, the young Naruto flinched in surprise.

"No need to be afraid." (Y/N) reassured with a small smile.

"You're... not scared of me...?" Naruto asked, cautious, and understandably confused.

(Y/N) couldn't blame him. He could already hear the whispers behind his back, most definitely due to him, an Uchiha, who were suspected to be the main culprit behind the Nine Tailed Fox attack, talking to the 'Demon Child'. It seemed the young Naruto did as well, considering he turned away in shame.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2023 ⏰

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