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Arising from my obviously induced slumber, I felt the agony that she inflicted, again, upon me- particularly focused upon my back and arms. Looking down I noticed the sleeves of my white jacket stained red from my untended wounds. I couldn't bear to pull the sleeve back and see what damage she has done. He's gone. He doesn't want me. Doesn't care. Alice must of seen what is happening to me now. Yet no rescue party has come. In the beginning I believed she would come and save me. But as every day passed it took a chunk of hope with it. Now I know the truth. Nobody is coming. There is no escape. The only escape is death. Finally, I had plucked up the courage to tend to the wounds. The fright of possible infection fuelling me as I did so. Deep gashes lazily littered both arms like the inevitable scratches you gain on your phone or iPod screen but clearly much deeper than those. My previously porcelain skin now showed more red than white. Deciding to just get it all over with at the same time I stumbled painfully into the bathroom. My arms were bad but held no candle to the state of my back. I sobbed quietly. Afraid of alerting them of my being awake. Brutal, bloody gashes scarred the milky skin of my back. But what got me shaking as I lifted up my stained red, white shirt was the worst of them all. It went so deep I swear it must of touched bone. As I lifted the shirt higher I noticed the aforementioned cut began to form a large X- taking up most of my back. Even now in the solitude of my own room I could imagine her voice whispering into my ear as she cut the X " A little reminder for the rest of eternity. Kiss Kiss," I could imagine her saying whilst slicing into the scarred skin. I was losing blood fast as it flowed from the multiple gashes, cuts and re-opened wounds. Fight it, Bella! We cannot lose! the voice pleaded Oh and call me Izzy. I fought the blackness in my mind. No. It can't be over now. 10 months in here. After everything it cannot just end. He's gone. As the black slowly took over, I saw the bathroom door slam open- denting the wall behind it - and a pair of expensive loafers rush over to my dying body. He's gone and I'm deserted.

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