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The world seemed to warp into slow-motion as I leapt across the room, still not fully decided on who to target. The scarred male seemed the largest threat but he seemed cautious of harming me, although quite capable. his arms were half-heartedly tensed, further bringing attention to his muscle, and they were beautifully littered with an array of scars-much like my own. The woman phased me little as all looked inexperienced with their fresh untainted skin holding none but their mating mark. Diverting my attention from them and another harmless blonde male that stood near them, I looked over to the two remaining males. Copper hair glinted in the lamp light, capturing my focused attention. It was messy though artfully so. Drawing my eyes to his face, I was astonished by the stark beauty of it. Oddly, it reminded me of garrett, dear garrett, though both were gorgeous they contrasted each other tremendously. Garrett was gruff, manly and ruggedly handsome. His dark stubble shadowing his face and his long brown hair falling to his shoulders in a masculine way. He emitted arrogance and self-loving. Whereas this male was more.. pretty in a way. His features were sharp and masculine but his face more boyish and young. He seemed confident but self-loathing in a confusing manner. The overly huge male standing next to the Greek god picked up on my gaze fixed on his brother and pushed him behind him. How dare he hurt him!!! Landing on the large one, I kicked up from him and fell into deep protection mode. He will not touch him. He will NOT touch him. My mind chanted. Flinging my leg, I struck the male in the face and flowed into a swift punch to his side. Due to the impact, the male flew through the window- shattering the glass around the room. Hurriedly, I rushed to the corner in which the beautiful vampire had been pushed into and crouched infront of him protectively. He will not be hurt. Defensively, I growled at the large male that had finally returned to the room.

Understanding filled the vampires eyes as they watched me defend the vampire behind. Another deep growled emanated from my chest, a warning to them. The smaller, blond male began to approach but a sharp growl stopped him in his tracks.
"Nobody move," the scarred blonde cautioned with his hands raised submissively. "And follow my lead,". The one that had spoken began to lower to the floor and bowed his head, falling into the most submissive position. The others following him with little hesitation. With satisfaction in their poses, I straightened out of my crouch and turned slightly to the male behind me. Although keeping both an eye and an ear on the others.

Surveying the copper-haired teen, I checked him over for any damage. My instincts strongly urging me to do so. Finding none, I became appeased though still cautious of the vampires to my side. "Try talking to her, Edward," the one that had spoken earlier softly mumbled. Edward. It fit him. Edward pulled his hands up and took mine in his comfortingly. His thumb soothing away tension.
"Bella, love, calm down. I'm alright. Emmett was trying to protect me,' he soothed. Soon my instincts died down and consciousness flowed back to me.

"What the hell are you doing?' I screeched pulling my hands from his grasp. "Get off of me! How dare you touch me, Cullen!". A smirk plastered onto his smug face knowingly. "Arrgh you're so aggravating! I'm leaving!" I span to face the door. 'What. What happened to the window?' I puzzled confused.
"Well... You went all cray cray on us and almost killed me for 'hurting' Eddie boy over there," Emmett stated. Panicking, I looked around surveying the room for anymore damage.
"I didn't kill anyone?" I questioned my body becoming tense as I ran over to the mirror. Gold. I sighed in relief.
'You almost killed me!" Emmett exclaimed clearly amused at the predicament. Loveable fool.
"No. I didn't kill anyone at all," I gasped incredulously still remarking at my still golden eyes in the reflection. "They are gold, yes?' I asked them still not believing it.
"Of course! What else would they be?" Emmett remarked. "You went cray cray Bells not on a rampage,". Normally, when I lost control like that at Maria's I awaken to a pile of torn vampire limbs and rivers of blood. Maria always said I would never control myself. That the call would be too strong.
"Fuck you, Maria," I spat unknowingly out-loud. All of a sudden, I began to giggle gleefully. I did it. I really did it. I twirled and leapt around the household in utter joy and carelessness. It bothered me none that they could see me acting so naive. Finally finishing my little celebration, I bounced into the living room and smiled at the Cullen clan brightly. "I..i didn't kill anyone," I gasped yet again incredulously.
"You say that as if its expected, bel.. Isabella," Carlisle questioned. Forcefully,his words pulled me into another flashback.

Pulling myself off of the floor, I let out a cry at the bloody mess that surrounded me. Dead men. Dead women. Dead children. All drained of blood and laying lifelessly on the ruined earth. Newborns also lay dead at my feet- though decapitated. Ashes blood and venom caked my torn clothes and skin. What had I done?

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do it. I.. I lost control. She made me. I didn't mean to kill them. They're dead. It's.. it is my fault. I killed them," I wailed defeatedly. Enveloped in dark feelings, I ran from the room and into the dark night. Leaving behind a room of bewildered Cullens. where will I go now?

Forever LostOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora