Meeting again

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'Hello,'. The man that had spoken was around 6foot 3 in height and had a rugged look about him. The dark stubble and brown shaggy hair giving a gloriously sexy look. His small smirk screamed smugness and humour but his face seemed familiar. Like I had seen him before. Whereas the man to his left looked more boyish. The facial features less sharp and intimidating but his eyes spoke danger. Finally the women. She was dwarfed by the two larger men but her stance remained strong and confident. Golden waves of hair cascaded beautifully to her small shoulders. All seemed extremely talented whether it was their confidant demeanour giving it away or their very own collection of scars littering the once flawless skin.
'The name's Peter Whitlock, ma'am. I knew ya was passin' through here and we was wonderin' if ya wanted ta stay a while,' the shorter guy asked.
'I do not know about this one, Isabella. My instincts, of course, dislike their marred skin even within ten miles of us. However, I believe them not to be of extreme danger' Izzy aided. For a few short moments, I quickly scanned for possible exits and distractions- never taking my mind off the game. Although both of the mated couple rose out of the battle stance the larger stayed put,ever cautious. I admired that fact,strangely. As my shield felt no other presence nearby, I slowly rose.
"Who are the others?" I commanded. My time with Maria, the institution and the .. C.cullens leaving me wary. I hate that I'm unable to be normal now... I never was. I mean who willing puts themselves in the face of danger? Becomes depressed and catatonic, ends up in a FRICKING mental institution over a vampire for gods sake. A vampire who lied and manipulated me for all I was worth. I'm pathetic. Ed.. he's right I was a useless human. A useless vamp..
"This is my mate, Charlotte" Peter stated pulling me from my inner turmoil " and..."
"I'm Garrett" the larger interrupted- finally standing. My mind instantly flashed back to my final human days... With Victoria.
Standing awkwardly in the corner was an unfamiliar, brown-haired vampire. The obvious owner of the posh loafers that came to 'save' me. Crimson eyes met mine as he mouthed a short apology before flashing out of the room.
"You !!!" I screeched accusing at Garrett pointing my finger threatening as I stomped a couple of paces towards his confused form. "You took me to her! YOU'RE THE REASON I DIDN'T DIE IN THE INSTITUTION! I should be dead," I wailed. It only took me a few months to realise that ed.. He was right. That vampire life isn't that great; maybe it would have been better with.. Them, i will never know.
Garrett gasps as he grasped the situation.
"You're alive" he stated astonished. "She said she was going to kill you. A mate for a mate,"
"She decided that it would be a greater punishment to live without my mate like her. So she turned me," I said nonchalantly whilst shrugging my shoulders. Obviously, my last statement confused them, no vampire can live without their mate- they always follow then in life and in death.
" Your mate. He left you?" Peter breathed.
"How do you know that?" I defensively commanded. Yet again my instincts alerted me to the possible danger and reflexively I rose and strengthened my invisible shield around my body. Peter spun to face me straight on and cocked his head in puzzlement.
"How did ya do that? I can't read ya at all now. I mean it 'twas blurry before but now it's gone. All gone,"
"We all have our own secrets," I growled.
"We ain't tryin' ta be nasty sugar. Why don't ya fine on back and we can chat a little. I promise you'll be fine'" Charlotte gently persuaded as she held out a scarred hand. Cautiously, I stepped forward and placed my own hand in hers. Gazing around once more to be sure, I decided to follow them 'home'.

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