Old friends

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My mouth gaped open in shock as I recognised the forms stalking out of the tree-line. Their dangerous beauty, the sharp teeth and their mesmerising eyes. The wolves. "Jacob?" I gasped incredulously vividly remembering the first and only time I saw then as a human. Supernatural reminders keeping my fragile form at bat from them back the. The russet wolf bounced into the woods and returned as a human man, Jake.
"B..bella?! How the heck! They said you went missing in the night- presumed dead. They found blood at the scene and everything!"
"I did. Victoria, a female vampire whose mate was killed by the..c..c them when I was human, had me captured. Evil bitch" I muttered baring my fangs at the thought of her. Obviously this unsettled the six wolves that flanked Jacob. Some choosing to turn human, others strategically staying in their stronger form. Clever.
Hours passed spending my time with Jake catching up on the forks gossip and getting introduced to the new wolf pack. Colin- he turned shortly after my disappearance, Quil jr- Quil's son, Lee- Leah's son, Simon- Sam and Emily's first born, Sarah- the second born child ( named after Jacob's deceased mother) and finally Kaine Clearwater- his genes were passed on from his father who didn't turn. We were three hours into the reunion of sorts when Jacob posed the BIG question.
"Erm..er Bella well I don't know how to put this but there's a newborn army coming up soon" he nervously mumbled rubbing the back of his head " and I, well we, were wondering if you could help us but.."
"Of course, Jake. Don't worry I've got a few tricks up my sleeve. Ill be fine," I interrupted.
"The ...Cullen's will be there, Bells. They asked us for help. We should be meeting them in fifteen minutes,". Cullens. They don't want me. They can't find out.
"Please don't tell them" I pleaded and with his soft confirmation we headed towards the meeting ground. With me mysteriously shrouded in cape and my shield surrounding the pack.
Striding into the large field, their beautiful, flawless faces struck with me with force. So much more detail than my human eyes were able to detect. All seven members swerved their heads to me in bewilderment, not anticipating the pack to have any companions of the vampire kind. "Hello, Cullens. I shall be speaking for the pack today as they requested my aid" I aired confidently. My shield enabling me to temporarily hear the thoughts the wolves directed to me.
"We didn't except the wolves to converse with... Our kind. Nevertheless, we have an upcoming threat on our horizon. Victoria, a nomad vampire, is coming for my family and I'" Carlisle stated.
"With a newborn army no doubt. She'd be a fool to arrive alone. Any serial killers in Seattle lately?." I added.
"I see you're experienced then," Jasper stepped forward. Lifting one sleeve to reveal my scars, I nodded and lifted an eyebrow in question.
"Indeed I am... Major. I've heard a lot about you," I smirked. God garrett is rubbing off on me.
"Let's begin shall we," Carlisle chirped, mostly likely trying to get off the topic. I wonder if the wolves knew of his past. Show time izzy announced excitedly. Twisting and turning effortlessly around the battle field, I sparred with Cullen after Cullen. It was clear that they questioned the cape but were too shy to ask I suppose.
Night gradually turned to day as we ended the session.
"Same time in three days," Jasper directed the wolves as they sprinted from the clearing. Leaving me with the Cullens.
"Would you wish to come back to ours," Esme squeaked half timidly. "We have plenty of room. Contemplating for a moment, I decided on not. It hurt too much to look at them, at Edward, and be reminded of the truth.
"Not a real fan of closed spaces but thank you for the offer. Ill be off". I turned to leave, but a small hand pulled on my shoulder. Reflexively, I shoved out my shield causing Esme to go flying into the tree line. Shocked and confused, I froze in place as each Cullen glared at me. "I..I I'm sorry I didn't mea..."
"Didn't mean to. Then what did you mean. You intentionally threw our mother fifty feet without touching her! You bitch!" Rosalie screeched nearing my shaking body. Izzy was desperately attempting to take over but I could not let her. I refuse to be locked away for another hundred years.
"Stand back,Rosalie. I don't want to hurt you," I calmly reasoned.
"HURT ME!" She exclaimed. "No it's my mum you've hurt. All she did was kindly offer you a place to stay. You're pathetic!".
Pathetic. He doesn't want me. I'm worthless. Throughout the entire session he remained in a corner cottage field. Simply observing. His face seemed sullen and depressed but why would that be? He..he doesn't want me. The mass of emotion eventually flood over the shield I formed to protect myself and Jasper causing Jasper to fall his knees in agony. Let me out. We are in trouble ...izzy cautioned. Hurriedly I threw my shield up with all the power in my body- refusing to carry on mentally tormenting Jasper (peters brother). The atmosphere rapidly calmed as Jasper regained himself and rose to his feet.
"I'm sorry. I really am sorry. It just... It's .. not easy,"I mumbled as I began to walk out of the field into the surrounding comfort that is the woods-my home.
"Wait! What was that?" Edward spoke up for the first time since I arrived. Oh no! My shield had temporarily fallen. He heard izzy!
"It was nothing," I growled. "Nothing,". Still slightly shaking from izzy's eagerness to take control, I turned to the Cullens and added "I'll see you at the fight. The wolves will tell me when," I couldn't stand even the thought of spending more time with them. It tormented my soul.
~~~~~Third person POV~~~~~~~
The Cullen's silently gathered in shock at the recent happenings. Who was that vampire? Edward could not help but to compare her to his bell. The softness of her voice. The obvious embarrassment of her actions. And the underlying tones of selflessness and care. But it couldn't be her; His bella was too.. Sweet to know how to fight like that and to broken like that vampire evidently was. Also, his bella was dead. Hopefully, she got married, had kids, lead a normal human life- without him.
"Her emotions I couldn't feel them all all until I fell. It was so much pain and agony. All radiating from her. Though she stayed standing. And her fighting! It was formidable," Jasper stated incredulously. The fact that Jasper, the major, had complimented her fighting was a HUGE deal to any vampire who knew of him. Who was that vampire?
"We'll find out soon .but we've got far more important things to think about as of now," Carlisle uttered.
~~~~~ Unknown POV ~~~~~
Victoria WILL be pleased. The plan is going swimmingly. All coming together in perfect synchronisation. Now it's time to crush all of their hopes and dreams. They don't even know its her. Pathetic. And the moment they do is the moment we separate them... Forever. Forever alone.

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