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.~~~~~~~BELLA POV~~~~~~~

Running. My legs pounded fast as I ran through the wilderness.
Running. Emotions swirled and merged together into one puzzling concoction of confusion.
Running. My heart ached with a strange longing and urge to throw myself back to where I had run from- forks.
To the Cullens ...... to Edward. No! It's obvious he doesn't want me. Who would want somebody so terrifyingly flawed and imperfect ? Especially when they are the very peak of perfection themselves. Golden, ocher eyes. Copper, disarrayed hair. Sharp, masculine features. Not one scar tarnishing the marble flesh. Pure perfection. But what is perfect ?
Is it the way we look ?
Is it the clothes we wear ?
Our hair, our eyes, our face ?
Being happy doesn't mean that you are perfect, that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond any imperfections. Love means you accept a person with all of their flaws, stupidities and ugly points. Love is when you are able to see perfection in imperfection itself. Yes, I may have killed. Yes, I had hunted humans. Yes, I am littered with scars. But now I can protect my family, my friends and my mate. To know good is to know evil. There can't be one without the other.


Two weeks later, We finally had a large group of vampires assembled to aid us in defeating this obstacle. Training took place almost everyday in the hopes that skill could overpower strength. Amazingly, we were able to accomplish the trusted companionship of almost every vampire I knew and more. All grouped together to eliminate a common threat. Maria had wiped out many loved ones and destroyed even more lives or existences should I say ?

An entire week was spent congregating the large gathering of vampires. Strategically, we'd planned it out. Esme and I stayed home to welcome any vampires that were successfully persuaded by the others. Jasper and Alice took USA, Canada, South America and Africa, whilst Rosalie and Emmett took Europe, Asia etc. Whereas, the eldest, Edward, consumed his time in searching for his Bella. Each day he sullenly trudged into the living, from either tracking or scouring the news, with the same look of disappointment colouring his equally depressed expression. Leaving Bella had altered him so greatly.

It was in the next week, where we found ourselves dotted amongst the living room.
" Still no news on Pete and char, Alice," Jasper sighed marching in and flinging the phone on to the needlessly soft cushions that Alice had insisted we needed. Worry was layered on to his drawled words. " What if she got to them ?". After countless years under Maria's command had caused the two 'brothers' to form an unbreakable bond. Miraculously, finding light in the darkness.
" Don't worry about it, Jazz. I haven't seen anyth..." Alice's voice was cut off by a blank expression. A vision. " She arrives when the snow sticks to the ground,"

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