Good ol' Southern Hospitality

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Eventually, I arrived in Puebla, Mexico City - taking in all the different sights and smells. So different to forks. I welcomed back the scorching heat with pleasure, though it did make remaining inconspicuous a more difficult task to fulfil. It was beautiful here.

I wish Ed.. He was here too. He's gone. He doesn't w..want me. I'm not good enough. Not good enough as a human. Not good enough as a vampire. Not good enough at all for their perfect, untainted existences. Hasn't Alice seen yet? I scoffed. Of course she had. She just doesn't care. Stupid. Stupid Bella.

The C..Cullens influence thankfully stuck with me as I decided on following their diet in turn to our 'natural' one. Obviously the smell was much less desirable than the sweet nectar that the humans possess. However that fact did little to tempt me away from the path I have chosen. Thankfully, my control was near perfection and I had a record of nil slips since I had 'awoken'.

Over the few months I have stayed here, I have yet to personally encounter any more of .. my kind. Quite a few times I have caught a group of scents but I am thankful it has come to nothing more than that. Although I was puzzled at the vast numbers they travelled in, as they seemed to be extremely large. The Cullen's said that 'normal' vamps travel in extremely small groups or alone. However, I enjoyed the peaceful solitude of my new home so childishly refused to move away from my sanctuary as to investigate the mystery. Another stupid move. If only I had known what was to come next in my life.

Running care-freely through the trees that bordered my home I felt an unease settle into my stomach. Eyes seemed to watch me. Ooh! My newborn mind easily distracted itself from the danger that remained somewhere in the shadows. Amazed and excited, I began gleefully running around a clearing- marvelling at my sparkling body. It's mesmerising.

To my left, a twig snapped. Threatened, I snapped my head in the direction it came from. Crouching into a defensive stance as I did so. Peering around I saw nothing until a Hispanic female stalked out of the trees. A devilish smirk on her face. Suddenly, a need for escape rushed over my body and I begun to gaze around for a way out. Red eyes slinked out if the trees in every direction. Effectively trapping me in. No escape. No way out.

"Come" the Hispanic female ordered. Her stare fell upon me expectantly. Knowing it would be a futile attempt to escape, I slumped after the woman.

It felt like forever until we reached the woman's, Maria I learnt her name was, 'compound'. On the way she briefly described what her purpose in taking me. According to her, I have been personally selected to join her prestigious army to aid her in protecting her precious territory as she felt that I was powerful. Obviously, I had no clue what she was talking about. Army? She must be mental. Guns do nothing to vampire, they don't even break the skin.

Around me I could see what made up the compound: Dilapidated buildings were dotted around the huge, fenced area, green army-style tents clumped around them; unbelievable amounts of savage vampires walked around the site- only few without crazed eyes. Finally a large, clear field lay bang in the middle of the area as if it had the utmost importance. Invading my nose were smells of blood. Human blood. And a sickly sweet, smoke. Cautious of the other vampires, I shuffled over to the main building where a sheet of paper was pinned to the side.

Monday- Scouting

Tuesday- Training

Wednesday- Hunting. If permitted by mistress.

Thursday- Training

Friday- Hunting. If permitted by mistress. Training. Leisure time in evening if permitted by mistress.

Saturday- Punishments and Rewards.

Sunday- Morning training. Afternoon hunt. If permitted by mistress. Any continued punishments or rewards.

What the hell! Izzy screeched in my head. Seriously I leave you for five minutes and you land us in the vampire wars. Great. Just great. At that moment, Maria glided over to me with a fake skill plastered on her face. "How do you like the place? Fantastic isn't it. It just to be Enrique's until the major helped me steal it from him. Of course I had to rid of all the woman that he held at the camp. Other than that pure perfection. You shall call me mistress. Any failure to do to shall be attended to accordingly. No answering back and no attitude. Any failure to do so shall be attended to accordingly. Also I expect you to perform to your highest ability at all times. Any failure to do so..."

" Shall be attended to accordingly. Okay. Okay. I get it," I cut her off. An icy stare held mine, instantaneously reminding me of Edwa.. Pained, I secured my scarred arms around my chest. Maria's eyes now focused upon them.

" I see you are experienced," she sneered. " Lets put that to the test. You shall NOT defy me again. By this point a large crowd had accumulated and two men pushed their way through. Harshly, they grabbed my arms and dragged me behind Maria. Carrying me to what may be my awaited demise.

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