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"So how's it coming with that beer lad?"

"Coming right up sir" I reply politely. I sneer at the muggle's back when he turns back around in his seat. He's been sitting there with a pugnent odor wafting off and an smirk on his face since 7p.m. tonight. I understand now why his girlfriend left him, he's been moaning about it, and her, the whole evening. I close up the pub when he leaves at 1 a.m.

I think about what my life has turned out to be as I'm walking down the silent streets of Dublin. Earlier today, when I was getting some new clothes to blend in this crowd, these same streets where bustling with people of all ages trying to get to their destination. I don't mind the silence, it gives me time to think. I used to be so different. Or maybe it's just my life that was different. I was a snobbish, over-confident, rich kid. The return of the Dark Lord is what changed about my life, and so also changed me. And so I ran. I ran and I didn't look back until I felt there was enough distance between me and his legion of buffoons for them not to find me.

My thoughts are disturbed by a sultry woman leant against the wall in little to no clothing. I realize I've walked into the alley where I have a small, one-room apartment. It's only temporary. The woman has never been there before. This sparks my suspicion, but I walk on without looking at her too much.

"Do you feel like having a good time?" She asks. I notice she has a slight Scottish accent, although it's barely noticeable. I turn around to face her but I say nothing. She looks pathetic. The clothes she was wearing were dirty, I noticed, an it seemed like she hadn't eaten in days.

When I suddenly hear a loud crack behind me I swiftly turn around and draw my wand.

"Stupefy!" I scream the first spell that comes to mind, but my opponent was fast to deflect it and fire back.

"Crucio!" a shrill voice screamed. I jumped behind the dumpster next to me as the spell hit where I had just been standing. The prostitute is nowhere to be found.

"Come out boy! Face the punishment for your betrayal like an man!" I hear the voice call to me.

I roll my eyes, "Shouldn't you treat your godson a bit better auntie? This is the first you've seen me in months and you start firing curses at me?" I say with a smirk. My auntie is screaming things at me I won't repeat to you for your own sake. I hear loud cracks, warning me that more death eaters probably apparated into the alley. I don't know how I'll get out of this. I cant go back to the apartment now, and I certainly can't go with them either. I won't go back to Him.

Just as I'm getting ready to jump up and fight, a voice sounds beside me, making me jump back and bang my head against the garbage bin behind me. There's a girl with blue, braided hair sitting next to me. She laughs at my surprise as I gape at her.

"I can get you out of here" she whispers smiling softly. And before I can answer she pulls me up, making the death eaters start yelling curses at us just as she pulls me straight through the wall we'd been sitting next to. The sensation that goes through me is similar to what you would feel at the wall to get to platform 9 ¾ but it's distinctly more pleasant. But maybe that's just because I just escaped a horrible fate. We're standing in a large empty room with white cloths strewn over the furniture. There's dust everywhere but on the spot we just came out of. I see the girl smiling at me. She holds out her hand for me to shake it. "I'm Megan, pleasure to meet you." I look at her hand with uncertainty but decide to trust her since she just saved my life. I take her hand in mine and shake it softly.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." I say, for the first time with less than no pride in my voice.

"Do you always introduce yourself with your last name first?" she asks raising her eyebrows.

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