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"I lived here once upon a time. My mom traveled often, so I've been to a lot of places in the world. It's one of the reasons why I was homeschooled." Megan speaks up.

It was morning now, last night Megan brought me to her very well hidden home here in Florence. It was somewhat below the ground. Well, the entrance was anyway. It had also been made so that no one could apparate straight into the hideout. Hence why we apparated in the street. I'm glad to say it wasn't the creepy cellar type of hideout, it was in fact quite homely. The room we're in right now is the kitchen. As I'm walking around, I'm looking at some objects strewn around, wondering what they meant to Megan or her mother. I try to imagine her living here as a child.

Suddenly I feel pain spread through my small toe.

"OH my GOD! Bloody hell!" I yell out as I jump around on my right foot while holding the left one.

"Are you okay?!" Megan asks while snickering at me.

"I'm fine!" I bite out while still rubbing my sore toe.

I look back at the thing I subbed my toe on and I see a rock. A big bloody rock! That's what I stubbed my toe on just now. A. Rock.

"Why is there a ...rock... in your kitchen?" I ask in confusion.

"Well it just so happens that this rock is a piece of the water vaults, first discovered by Lena Toksin, aka my mother." She states proudly.

I gape at her. Lena Toksin was famous for her adventures and discoveries. I have to admit I've always admired her.

"Your Lena Toksins daughter?!" I ask astounded by the new piece of information. "I do believe we ought to be friends now. I'm a big fan of your mother's work." I add excitedly.

"Well then let's be friends. I do believe even Draco Malfoy can use a friend." She smirks.

I hold out my hand to her, "So... friends then?" I ask.

She nods her head. Then she takes my hand and surprises me by pulling me into a hug. It feels good to have a real friend. Those who called themselves my friends at Hogwarts were mostly my 'friends' because of my name and status. So this feels like heaven.

When we pull back we smile at each other.

"So how about we go around the city now? Not as fugitives, but as friends, having a good time."

"Sounds perfect." I say.

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