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Megan was a witch, that much was obvious. She was however homeschooled by her mother, which explains why I never met her or even got a glimpse of her at Hogwarts. I didn't even know you could be homeschooled. If I did, I never would've gone to Hogwarts. My first choice was Durmstrang anyway. But back to Megan. Apparently she's been running from those blasted death-eaters too. Her mother was killed by them as she hid in the cellar of their house. After hours of sitting in that cold moist cellar she dared to come back up to find the lifeless body of her mother in the kitchen. That was when she decided that she would not hide in the shadows anymore. She would fight. Or at least do anything to make a death-eaters life hard. Which she did by getting me out of that sticky situation back there.

"So what's your plan then?" Megan asks, tugging me out of my thoughts.

"I don't really think I have a plan?" I reply uncertainly.

"Well, you're against them right? Against Voldemort and his death eaters?" I nod my head almost unnoticeably. "So then what are you planning to do about them?" She throws her arms up in the air.

"I plan on avoiding them at all costs for as long as I can."

"So you're a coward." She states. "You could at least try and do something! What do you have to lose?"

I don't say anything to that, because I know that my parents, the only people I actually cared about, would most likely be dead or tortured already because of what I did. That or they disowned me and vouch for themselves that they never really cared about me in the first place, that they will hunt me down. Aunt Bellatrix didn't mention them at all so all I can really do is guess about it. But Megan is right, what do I have to lose. The answer is my own life. And I'm too selfish to give that up.

"We should move... get to a safe place far away from these death eaters, for now." Megan speaks up, frowning at me.

She holds out her hand to apparate us to a new location. I grab it and suddenly I get the familiar nauseating sensation of apparation. We land harshly on the ground and I stumble over my own feet and fall on the rough cobblestones in front of me. I hear a howling laughter coming from behind me and as I sit up I see Megan holding her hand in front of her mouth trying to smother her laughter. I feel a light smile tugging at the corner of my mouth but I suppress it before she can see it. I get on my feet and look around. I recognize it instantly.

"Well I've always wanted to come back to Florence." I say. Unable to hold back my smile now, I look at her, and she beckons me to follow her into the night.

BRAVE  | Draco Malfoy Short StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora