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Luna was lucky. She was here for the sole purpose of punishing her father. They just let her be most of the time. I had been watching out for any opportunity to get out, but it hadn't presented itself as of yet. I did vow to myself that should I get the opportunity to get out, I wouldn't leave anyone behind in this hell.

It was at that moment that I heard a commotion upstairs. Two death eaters came down again and opened the rickety door. I stood up as they walked over to me.

"come along boy, this is your chance to get in the dark lords good graces again." One said snobbishly. He doesn't seem to know that that's something I would never choose to do. I came to far to look back now.

They pushed me up the stairs and to my surprise I found the golden trio looking at me. Although Potter did look a bit disfigured.

"Draco." my mother whispered.

"You can redeem yourself now, save our family from the disgrace you brought upon us." She pleads. I don't say anything. And I can't bring myself to look at her either.

"We cannot call upon the dark lord if we're not sure about this" my father hisses. "Tell us! Is this him? Is this Harry Potter?! "

I refuse to speak.

The attention shifted to my aunt Bellatrix when she found Scabior the snatcher carrying a nice looking sword that should have been in her vault. Following this accusation there were some insults being thrown around about the trio being a bunch of thieves. I'm almost ashamed to admit that I found some humor in this conversation. After all, it's not like Potter and I were ever on good terms with each other. But I guess these things don't really matter in times of war. Which is why I decided not to be a snitch on him. He was at this moment my only hope at an escape. Somehow he always gets out of sticky situations like these. I hope his luck hasn't run out.

After Bella's tantrum we were taken back down to the cellar. All except for Granger. I felt bad for her. I knew what would be waiting for her up there. Once I was pushed inside again I quietly walked over to my wall and sat down again.

"Where've you been the past two years?" Weasley spat out.

"What's it to you?" I ask.

"Nothing. But Hogwarts has been a lot more pleasant without you there."

I don't respond to this because the truth is I knew. I always knew people, well most people, would be happier with me gone. Let's say it gave me an extra push to get away.

Hermione's screams echo off the walls. I don't care if she's a muggleborn, she didn't deserve this, no one did. Potter and Weasley were desperate to find a way out.

"There is no way out of here, we've tried everything." Olivander tells them. "It's enchanted." he adds.

Potter bends down and pulls something out of his sock. It's a piece of glass. A piece of a broken mirror. What a peculiar thing 5o keep in you're sock.

"Albus" he whispers at it. Professor Dumbledore Albus? He died right? About two years ago, by Snape's hand. Could've been mine. Snape had been the first death eater I encountered after Dumbledore's death. I had always quite liked him, my godfather. But he came to take me back to the Manor now the task had been completed. But even then I wouldn't, so we dueled. I got ahold of his wand and he stopped. He didn't even try to get it back. It was curious. But I left it at that. I apparated myself out of there with both my own, and his wand.

Pettigrew came down with his wand pointed at Weasley who was ready to jump out of here. He asked for the goblin. The goblin went upstairs without much of a fuss. As the gate was closed and they were both out of sight, Weasley put the light-thing on again and at the same moment Dobby, my old house elf, appeared in the room.

"Dobby?" I asked confused.

"Oh mister Malfoy!" He exclaimed happily. I smiled at this. I never interacted much with the elf. But I secretly always liked him, although I didn't show it back then.

"What are you doing here?" asked Potter.

"Dobby came to save mister Potter of course! Dobby will always be there for mister Potter."

Dobby took Luna and Olivander with him as Weasley and Potter made their way to the door, me following behind. Pettigrew came in but was blasted in the back by something. Dobby was stqnding at the top of the stairs. We sneaked to the top where we stopped to take in the situation at hand. Hermione was on the floor not to far from us. But Bella was just making her way to finish her of. Stupid Weasley jumped up and ran at her blowing our cover and engaging the duel. But we were stopped soon after by Bella's voice. She was holding Hermione with her wand to her neck. We all stopped short. There was silence, except for a noise coming from above us. It was Dobby. The elf was unscrewing the chandelier right above Bella and Hermione. Meanwhile Potter's face had gone back to it's usual ugly shape. Bella saw immediately. "Call him!" , she said. I looked at my father. He pulled up his sleeve, but at that moment, the squeaking sound got louder and everyone looked up at Dobby. Then the chandelier came down. Hermione pushed forward as Bella jumped back, just missing the chandelier the came down where they just stood. Dobby won my mothers wand. Bella was furious at this. How dare Dobby take the wand from his master? Bella had also been disarmed so it's not like she could do any more than scream.

"Dobby has no master, Dobby is a free elf. And Dobby came to save Harry Potter and his friends." I looked at Dobby with pride. He fought and he was free. I did feel a little out of place when he said he came to save Potter and his 'friends', not me then. But I wouldn't give up any opportunity to get out of here. Dobby disapparated us out of there just as Bella threw a dagger at us. We landed on a beach. I saw grey skies above me. Potter was with Dobby. He was lying on the sand. He was having trouble breathing. I saw Bella's dagger next to them, it was dripping with blood, Dobby's.

"Such a beautiful place... to be with friends. Dobby is happy... to be with his friend... Harry Potter." Those were the last words that would ever leave Dobby's mouth. I was glad he found such friends, even if it was with Potter. He got some real friends, like me. I would go and find them. I hoped they were both okay, we are living in times of war after all.

They buried Dobby, I stayed until it was done. Then I started walking down the beach, ready to start the search of my friends. Because I need them.

When suddenly my wands, both my own and my godfathers, where whisked out of my pocket when someone behind me uttered the word 'expelliarmus'. It was Potter, Always stupid Potter.

"Where do you think you're going?" He spat out.

I decide to stay calm. I known we're not on the best of terms, but we must've grown to be more mature by now. "I'm going to look for my friends."

"Who? Crabbe and Goyle?! Because I doubt you could've called them actual friends. More like minions." Ron says coming outside with Hermione.

"I do actually, I have been gone for more than two years." I bite back.

"Come on boys, let Malfoy be. What are you going to do? Lock him up?" Hermione adds. "Besides, he just helped us right. And he was in the dungeons too, looks like he had been there for a while. "

"You can keep Snape's wand, but if you could just give me mine back I'll be on my way. I just need to find them, we are living in a war you know. Anything could've happened to them.

And so they let me get on my way, my wand back in my pocket safely.

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