The Seventh Part

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(another aesthetic, if you couldn't tell

I thought there was an echo of the pained moan. But it was just multiple people. Jesus was running through my head thousands of time.  The first zombie to come out had no limp. But also, only had half out its head. I stifle a  scream. The used to be a man was the leader. Because behind him was tons of other people. Mostly dressed in torn, dirty, blood-stained lab coats. Others wore scrubs in the same condition as the coats. "YOU IDIOT!" Violet screamed.

"This is suicide," Timothy backed up.

Of course, everyone but Jackson followed him.  "I got this," Jackson tried to reassure us.

"What the hell are you doing?" Alec took a ballsy step forward.

"Go find the cure you dumb fuck?" Jackson grinned quite manically.

One zombie charged and Jackson did some stabby stabby shit. Violet and Timothy immediately ran. I walked towards the door and Alec didn't move. "We have to go," I pleaded.

He turned slowly as Jackson continued to stab zombies. "We can't leave him," his eyes wide.

"Alec. I can't leave without you," I didn't a small yank of his hand before saying, "please."

He reluctantly agreed and followed me. We chased after Vi and Timothy. They ran to the back of the lab. Violet grabbed a broken pipe that laid on the floor. Alec pulled a switchblade out of his pocket, the blade alone looked about 5 inches long. I looked around for a weapon and I was unsuccessful. Alec moved his arm behind him. I was in the back as we entered a narrow hallway. It's was extremely dark and the only lighting came from the entrance/exit and the cracks in the ceiling that produced light coming from upstairs. The light flickered rapidly. We were all silent. It was eerie and I was covered in goosebumps. We continue walking until Violet stopped dead in her tracks. In front of her was a man with his guts ripped from his stomach. His skull was broken off and nothing hap reminded inside of it. Violet gagged. After a second the stench hit me. The mixture of mildew and a dead body could hit someone like a truck. I heard a loud thump come from the second story. The dirty and small debris fell from the ceiling. I had a coughing fit when I inhaled it dirt. I covered my mouth with my shirt to quiet my coughing, but it didn't work. Violet sprinted away and we all followed. I could I was slowing Alec down, so I let go. He turned around and stopped. I nearly ran into him. "Hurry. I'll keep up," I had tried to reassured him, but he still didn't run at his full pace, even if we weren't fully caught up.

Violet and timothy practically dove into a  hallway. Once Alec and I jogged it, we saw a tall staircase.  STAIRS?!??!?! Honestly, I felt like colapsing once we reached the third floor.  Violet and Timothy were in great shape, because they weren't even dazed. They wandered around the circular room in awe. Most of it was still intact with what it needed to be intact with. The best part was a mini-fridge and a microwave.  We went to town on frozen pizzas and burritos and corndogs. With each ding of the microwave I got worried a zombie would hear, but they never came. Once we had finished we sat on the floor discussing random stuff. I kept pretty quiet, but was thinking about the safest exit it a zombie were to come. "Would we survive if we jumped out a window form this floor?" I thought out loud.

"We would survive, but probably break or sprain something," Timothy offered.

"We would probably break both of our legs, but hopefully survive," Violet shrugged.

"Well I just praying we wont have to jump out a window," Alec said.

"What do you think happened to Jackson?" I said in a small whisper.

"Dead or a zombie," Alec said.

We were silent, dead or a zombie. Normally I would have joked and said something like "I would choose or." But I said nothing out of respect. A loud bang noise came from upstairs. Like all white people in movies, we ran towards the noise and not away from it. 

Once we went upstairs, we saw a man eating a body. Alec froze and looked at the man. The man looked weirdly familiar. Alec started trembling and muttered one word.




sorry if the movie joke was offensive 

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