Describe Yourself

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"How would you describe yourself? This goes to everyone :D"

3pVanoss: Describe ourselves? Um... very timid and weak, but I am understanding and a good listener, according to some of my friends.

3pWildcat: Always happy and always making other people happy!

3pBasically: Not all the time.

3pWildcat: Yes, all the time!

3pBasically: But just yesterday you cried yourself to sleep because Moo wouldn't give you a cookie.

3pWildcat: Huh? I don't remember that!

3pBasically: Oh, okay. *faces the asker* Me? I think I wonder a lot. I'm always questioning everything and I sometimes get into other people's businesses when I shouldn't. I guess I'm a bit annoying to most people.

3pTerroriser: ...

3pNogla: *shakes his head* Brian is an android or something. He has no opinions on anything and has only one focus; to follow orders from boss. If I were to describe him, I'd say he's Evan's guardian. For myself, I'd say I'm silent. A dark horse. That's all. *plays his guitar*

3pVanoss: Since you say that this question goes for us all, I'm going to slip out my phone and call Lui, who's outside, Silence, who are on a mission, and then go upstairs to the training room. *takes out his phone and dials Lui*


3pLui: *smoking before picking up his phone* What is it?

3pVanoss: H-Hey, Lui... we have a question we must answer... can you answer too?

3pLui: *rolls his eyes* I don't want to take part in your childish game.

3pVanoss: Please?

3pLui: Fine. What's the question...? "Describe yourself"... The one with the most common sense, how about that? Now leave me alone.

3pVanoss: Thanks Lui... *ends the call, dials Cartoonz*


3pCartoonz: *picks up* Hi, this is Silence, assassination and theft team, how may we help you?

3pVanoss: ... It's me, Vanoss. Don't you recognise my phone number when you picked up?

3pCartoonz: I'm sorry, it's become a habit now. Why did you call?

3pVanoss: A User asked us question and we all have to answer.

3pCartoonz: Oh? Okay, let me see the question... Oh, that's simple! I would describe myself as caring and good, unlike the rest of you.

3pVanoss: And the others?

3pCartoonz: Okay, give me a sec... *turns to the others* Guys, we have a question!

3pDelirious: Sweetie, I'm driving the car right now, speeding away from the cops, kinda busy, can we answer later?

3pCartoonz: It's just one question. "How would you describe yourself?" I already said mine.

3pOhm: Focused and intelligent. That is a fact.

3pBryce: Yeah, and a sociopath.

3pOhm: We have spoken about this already, I am not a-

3pBryce: Yeah, no one cares, especially you. For me, I'd say... the best.

3pDelirious: The best in everything?

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