Part 5

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-JaNae POV-

“Are we there yet?” I groaned, sitting down on the bed in the back of the bus.

I was in Michael's bus for the 7 hour trip from New Orleans to Memphis. I really didn't feel like being in the same room as the newly appointed love dovey couple.

“Naw, we still got like another hour and a half,” he turned over on his stomach in the bed.

I sighed, glancing down at his skinny figure and looking at all the tattoos he had.

I sat on top of his lower back, straddling him stared at the large pharaoh and the two smaller ones. I started to trace the large one with my fingernail.

I couldn't tell if he was sleep or not because his breathing was even.

I leaned down to his ear, “Are you sleep?”

He groaned, “Naw,” he turned his head so that it was resting sideways on his arm, “What you thinkin about?” he asked.

I shrugged, “To be honest, I'm scared babe,” I glanced out the window at the cars passing by then looked back down at Michael.

He rolled over so that he was looking up at me. He placed his hands on my hips.

“Of what?” he looked sincere and serious.

I looked into his eyes, “The baby. I know it's still early but I'm kinda scared of child birth.”

He looked at me with a look of disbelief, “It may be a painful process boo but, in the end it's gonna be worth it. We're gonna have a beautiful bouncing baby girl or boy and we're gonna be parents. Parents babe!” he laughed.

I shook my head, I couldn't believe it either.

“You know what this means don't you?” I raised an eyebrow at him.

“No more groupie sex?” he said without thinking. A second later he realized what he said and his eyes grew wide.

“What the hell?!” I pushed off of him much to his protest.

“Baby, wait just listen,” he tried to grab me again but I just shook my head.

“How many?” I said through clenched teeth.

“Baby-,” I cut him off.

“How. Many.” I felt a tear slide down my cheek.

Michael looked down, staring at his hands in his lap for a second then looked back up. He took a deep breath, “Fifteen. Maybe twenty,” I bit my lip, getting up off the bed and stomping toward the front of the bus.

“JaNae!” he called.

“Get the hell away from me!” I shot back at him.

“Baby just listen!” he pleaded, coming around to stand in front of me.

I threw my hands up, “Listen to what Michael? Huh? Listen to you try and plead your case? About how you felt lonely on the road and how much you missed me and how sexually fustrated you were? Listen to you tell me, that those girls meant nothing to you and that I'm the girl that you love and that you can't stand to lose? I've been through this twice before Tyga!” I shoved him in the chest. He hated it when I called him by his stage name. He never told me why.

“I know but baby-,” I shook my head, grabbing my purse. By this point the bus had stopped.

I walked over to the door. Turning around I said, “Pregnant with your child or not, I'm done.”

“You can't leave me Nae! I love you and I need you!” he was shaking, hands on his head.

I could feel more tears threatening to escape, “Stop! I can't,” warm tears ran down my face. Michael started to cry too, he got on his knees and took my hands in his, burying his face into my thigh.

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