Prank He Pulls on You

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Colby: Break Up Prank
Colby would sit you down in his room and explain that he needs his space from you for a while. That he wants to explore his options and apologizes. You break down crying and keep saying that you don't understand because you had just recently both said I Love You to each other. He lets it go on until you get up to leave saying, "Well I hope you find what you are looking for and I'm sorry that isn't me." He jumps up after you leave and chases you to the front door. "Babe, it's a prank. It's a prank. I only want you, no one else. I'm sorry." You continue to cry hugging him. You pull away and slightly slap him on the cheek. "You're a jerk. Why would you do that?" You then kiss him.

Sam: Proposal Prank
Sam sets up a circle of flower petals out by the pool and is playing your song. It's dark out so you can't see the flower petals yet but knew Sam was pranking you. He was never this romantic off the cuff. You had also just discussed how you felt like you needed to slow down the relationship, because it seemed to be progressing pretty quickly. You weren't expecting this at all. As the chorus starts in the song, a light shines on the circle revealing Sam on one knee.... tying his shoelace. You giggle then say, "I knew it. This is a prank." He just chuckles.

Elton: Stolen Car Prank
You drove your car to the airport to fly with TFIL to New Zealand for a few weeks. You were so excited as this will be your first excursion with your boyfriend, Elton.
..... Time Skip....

You flew back to LA with the group. You had an amazing couple of weeks. You were going to take some of the guys home, including Elton instead of them getting an Uber. You went to the parking garage and started to panic. You couldn't find your car anywhere. What you didn't know was that Elton had given the extra key to Aaron and asked him to take it to his house, then send him a picture of it. After twenty minutes of looking for the car and everyone helping you. Elton shows you the picture and yells, "Welcome to the prank war!" You smack him on the shoulder.

Jake: Ghost Prank
You have always been afraid of ghosts. When you started dating Jake, he didn't tell you about the scary unseen things happening in the house. You already knew the house was somewhat haunted from the videos posted. One night after watching a scary movie in your apartment Jake decided to tell you that he felt like a spirit had attached itself to him. He explained feeling scratches and someone watching him. You were scared out of your mind and swore that you would do everything you could to get him help to get rid of the spirit.

As Jake was leaving, you heard something fall in the living room, where you just were. You went back to the room, followed by Jake. There sat a Ouija board on the floor. You screamed as you shook uncontrollably. "Jake, I swear if this is a prank I'm going to punch you in the face!" He said that it wasn't and went toward the board. As he walked closer you heard a demonic giggle coming from the bathroom. You whisper screamed, "J...Jake? Did you hear that?" His eyes got huge and he nodded his head. "Let's go check it out," he said. You grabbed his hand and walked to the bathroom. You shove open the door and a man dressed in black jumps out of the shower.

You scream bloody murder and throw yourself at Jake. The next thing you knew you were on the floor.


"Y/N? Y/N?" You woke to Colby dressed in all black, Jake, and Sam shaking you.

"What happened?" you asked.

Jake said, "You passed out, Hun. Welcome to the prank war."
You proceeded to keep your promise and punched Jake in the face. 

Jake grabbing his jaw and chuckling, "I deserve that."

Corey: Injury Prank
You were folding yours and Corey's laundry when you heard your puppy, Cooper, bark and Corey rough housing with him. All of a sudden you hear Corey yell. "Y/N!!! Y/N!!! Help! Cooper just bit me and it's pretty deep!"

You had been training the dog for weeks now and you were still working on the biting situation. You knew it must have been a deep injury for Corey to be yelling for you across the house.

You scurried upstairs to your bedroom in the mansion and found Corey grabbing his hand and blood dripping from it onto the floor.

You start to freak out. "Let me see it. COLBY! COLBY!" You try to get Corey to show you the bite but he won't let go of it. Colby comes running in the room. He sees the blood and his eyes go wide. "What happened? What do you need me to do?" he asked. "First I need a towel from the bathroom and maybe some water. Corey, babe, sit down. You're going to be fine. Keep pressure on it." You then look for the culprit, who is hiding under the bed because he "knows" he is guilty.

Colby comes running back in the room with a towel and water bottle. "Here. Do I need to call an ambulance?"

Corey sits on the bed and starts wincing more in pain. "No. Y/N will drive me to the ER."

You hand Corey the towel and water. "I'm going to put some shoes on and grab the keys. I'll be right back."

You run down the stairs, almost tumbling on the run down.

A few seconds later you run back upstairs out of breath. You walk in to the room to see the blood cleaned up and Corey laying on the bed with Cooper, petting him. No blood on his hand or a bite mark. He looks at you grinning from ear to ear. "Gotcha!!"

You scream and tackle him, careful not to hit the pup.

Aaron: Moving Out Prank
You and Aaron have been living in your apartment together for the past two months. He still visits the Trap House often and films, but he includes you in a lot of his videos now as well. You came home from grocery shopping and heard Aaron in the bedroom... Was he crying?

You approach the room and knock on the door. "Aaron? Baby? Are you alright? Can I come in?"

You hear him say something that sounded like "Yeah."

You walk in and see your room torn apart with two suitcases on the bed. Aaron is frantically packing as he cries.

You come toward him and try to stop him from packing. "Baby, what's going on? Are you going somewhere?"

He looks at you. "I wanted to be gone before you got back." You look at him confused, "Why? Where are you going? This doesn't make sense."

He sits on the bed with his head in his hands. You sit next to him and try to put your arm around him. "Babe, you can tell me anything. What's going on?" At this point he shoves your arm off of him and scoots over. He faces you. "I just talked with all the guys. They don't like you and think that you are ruining my channel. They said that I should get out while I can. They showed me a picture of you flirting with some guy at one of my meet and greets. So, I'm done. We're done. I'm moving back in with them."

He stands up and begins to pack again.

You are shook. What was going on? A picture?

You begin to cry. "What are you talking about? Flirting with a guy? I hardly flirt with YOU in public, why would I do that with someone I don't know?"

You break and sob. You continually just beg him to stay and that you love him.

He grabs your hands away from your face and wraps you in a hug. "It's just a prank, babe. I'm sorry. I thought it would be funny. I'm so sorry. I'm not going anywhere. And the guys LOVE you."

You look at him and kiss him.

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