To the Hospital (Part 2)

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You and Jake are enjoying your vacation, a Caribbean cruise, just the two of you. About three days until the end of the two week voyage, Jake was getting progressively more sick. At first you thought it was sea sickness, but when he seemed to be spiking a fever, you became concerned.

You called on the ship's medic to check on Jake the day before the cruise was to be over, and he recommended Jake be seen at a hospital when exiting the ship. So, you became Jake's nurse for the remainder of the trip and prayed that he would be able to keep something in his stomach. He was living on barely anything, tylenol, ibprofen, ice chips, and water.

He felt horribly, physically, but mentally as well.
Jake: "I can't believe I'm this sick on our vacation. You shouldn't have to spend the last days on the ship in here with me."
You move his hair out of his face, "There is no place I'd rather be than by your side, even when you are sick." You kiss his forehead.

The ship landed and everyone departed, however, they asked you two to be last, so you didn't contaminate anyone.

Jake started experiencing chest pains right before exiting the ship, but didn't tell you until you were in a car headed to the hospital.

Once at the hospital, you checked him in. You hopped back into your lift and had it drive you to the opposite side of the parking lot to a hotel. You got the cheapest room possible for one night and carried your luggage to the room.

You then sprint back across the lot to the emergency room, where you sit with Jake for several hours. He's still throwing up about every hour and complaining of chest pains.

Finally, they get him to triage and apologize for the wait. He told him his symptoms and after checking his vitals, they got him in a room.

Doctor: "Mr. Webber, because of your chest pain and high blood pressure we want to do a precautionary EKG. We also want to hook you up to fluids for your dehydration and do a flu test.

You sat with Jake during the night.

After all tests were done, it was confirmed that poor Jake had the stomach flu and severe dehydration

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After all tests were done, it was confirmed that poor Jake had the stomach flu and severe dehydration.

You were hanging out with Corey and the boys in the pool. You were showing off your dives into the pool as the boys scored them. They even joined in and you got to judge. The last round of the competition was you against Elton. He was doing really crazy tricks and flips, and you were competitive enough to want to win. So you decided to do a double backflip off the higher platform into the pool.

You knew it was risky, but as long as you got far enough away from the platform, even a failed attempt would throw you into 10 feet of water.

You took a deep breath and put your back to the water. You bent your knees and sprung off the platform. A split second into the flip you realized you weren't far enough away from the platform and freaked out. You did one backflip and tried to adjust in the air. You screamed and hit the pavement.

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