In Which Theirs A Baby

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Haggar appeared out of no where. We were trying to hold off the soldiers while Pidge was gathering information for the mission after this. It was sneak in sneak out, but we all know that it never goes that way. Pidge and Hunk were running back when they go caught by a guard. Red flashing lights flooded my vision as I knew that meant hurry up. And of course Haggar had to be here. I was trying to get all the soldiers off my tail. They were all going after me and Keith, while Lance had no one. But it hit me.

"LANCE! MOVE!" He couldn't hear me due to all the noise. Haggar heard me trying to yell to him and appeared behind him. She lifted her hand, that was glowing purple, to his head. His eyes glossed over for a few seconds and then back to normal. He turned around and shot Haggar in the shoulder twice and backed up. He looked over in pain, legs giving out and him falling forward. Haggar was walking to him but I ran over to him after dealing with the soldiers.

Haggar saw me and left. But more soldiers piled in. Pidge and Hunk ran into the hanger and we bolted to her lion. I grabbed Lance and placed him in the chair Pidge installed. He was looking a little pale and his hair was a little shorter. He looked up at me and asked, "You okay Shiro?"

"Yeah. Just making sure your okay. Does anything feel different or do you feel tired, hurt?" He shook his head no saying he felt fine. I trusted him and let is go for now. When we arrived back to the Castle, Allura was in the bridge and was looking at something, but deleted it when we walked in.

All I could make out was a person. I walked to my station as we were all waiting for what to do. Allura looked at us and said, "You all have the rest of the day to your self. I turned to see Lance walking out of the room, followed by Keith and Hunk. I stayed to talk with Allura about battle plans and then train with Keith.

I was walking to the training room when I heard Coran talking on the speaker. "Have any of you seen Lance? He said he would help me clean the pods, but he hasn't shown up." I brought up the comms, "How long ago Coran?" Coran spoke up, "An hour ago." I started walking at a fast pace to try and find him. I passed the training room to see if Keith would know. He said maybe the kitchen.

I jogged to the kitchen only to find Hunk making lunch for everyone. "Hunk. Have you seen Lance?" Hunk looked up from his cooking to tell me, "Try the observatory. He always likes to look at the stars after a mission." I thanked him and walked off to go see if Lance was their.

When I walked in, I didn't see Lance. I did however see a big, soft, blue, blanket. It was moving slightly and saw some blue Paladin armor scattered around. I walked over to the blanket carefully. When I was close enough. I saw a little boy wrapped in it. He had white, fluffy hair and big blue eyes. He also had blue marks under his eyes and tan skin. He was Altean. But how was their an Altean baby on the ship.

I looked at the armor and realized that this must be Lance. I ran out of the room to find Coran or Allura. The baby or Lance had a little onesie that looked like the blue lion. He looked no older than a one year old. I found Coran by the pods and when he saw the baby, he dropped the tool in his hand. He walked over slowly and took the baby out of my hands. He looked to me then then Lance. He walked over to the computer and placed the baby down. He told me to get everyone here so they also know what is going on.

When I came back with everyone, their was a crib and we heard some clanking. We didn't see Coran who I assumed was out to grab something. I walked to the crib with Allura and saw Lance playing with some toy that look like keys dangling off a chain. He saw Allura and me looking in the crib and tried to grab for us. Allura picked him up gently and was looking in pure fascination. Coran returned back for where ever with a book. He looked at Allura and gave her the book.

Allura flipped through the pages only to see pictures of the same little baby. Her mother holding him, her father, and her playing with him. A family picture. Then their was a paragraph on the next page. I started reading, "I am truthfully sorry for the sadness that has fallen on the royal family. Unfortunately, the Prince of Altea, has been kidnapped. All signs show that someone who worked with the royal family knocked out the guards and took the baby at night. No one saw who the culprit was, but have narrowed it down to the nurses and the alchemists. I do have new informa...." It stopped.

I looked to Coran who explained that Lance must have been the royal Prince. When Lance was in the pod, it said that his blood was saved but couldn't show belonged to. Also for the fact at how easily Lance got familiar to the castle. He was different. I looked over to Lance who was teething on the little toy. Allura held him and started crying. We all hugged her not knowing how to comfort her. She stood up with Coran and walked out. We followed to see where they were going. "Where are we going Allura?" Pidge asked. Allura held a finger to her mouth, looking down at Lance, who was asleep in her arms. "We are going to his room. My parents always had a room set up in case he were to show up again," Allura whispered to Pidge.

I looked up to find a door with gold stars on it. It had gold accents too. When Allura opened it, their was a window with a crib and rocking chair on the side. A playpen sat on the other side of the room with a few toys scattered here and there. A table was next to a closet with shelves of clothes. The whole room was a light, pale blue color with white accents and dots. Allura walked over to the rocking chair and sat down. She looked down at Lance and ran her finger down his face. She started crying again and hugged the infant.

I told Coran to watch Allura and Lance while I told everyone else to give them some time. We all walked over to observatory to grab Lances armor and the huge blanket. As we were walking back I couldn't help but wonder why did Haggar turn Lance to a kid. Did she know he might be Altean? Was this a way to keep us down a lion? What if it's permanent? I told the others to do what ever they want, as I was walking over to Coran.

"Coran! I needed to ask you a question." He looked up from...what ever he was working on. "Coran, on the mission, Haggar was their and turned Lance into a kid. Do you think she knew Lance was the prince? Or Alten for that matter?" He went working back on what he was doing, "Honestly, I don't know Shiro. This could be a good thing or be terrible. If Haggar does know, then this means Lance is at a higher risk of being a target. But we could use this as an advantage to gain more allies."

I thanked him and went to go see Allura. I followed the hall that had Lances room. I walked in to see Allura and Lance asleep. I walked over and put Lance in the crib, putting a light blanket on him. I walked to Allura and nudged her lightly. She looked up at me and I put my finger to my mouth in a 'sh' motion and walked her out, turning off the lights. I walked her to her room and I sat down on her vanity chair. She walked to her bed and layed down. "Allura," She looked towards me. "When we were on the mission, Haggar was the one who turned Lance into a baby. I tried to stop her but I wasn't fast enough. The thing is, we don't know if this was planned. She may know that Lance is Alten. Maybe even a prince. We need to take extra precaution in case anything happens on a mission." She nodded at me and to that, I left.

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