In Which A Trip to the Space Mall is Set

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Last chapter wasn't as long as I wanted it to be, so this one is longer. Thank you for being patient with the updates.



We all decided on taking a trip to the Space mall. Their was no harm in that. We were getting some baby clothes, a new game for Pidge, Keith wanted some knifes he saw last time, and Hunk wanted to visit some guy from last time. I wanted to see this earth store and see if their were books. Allura said we would be their in a varga, then we would need to take a smaller ship to look inconspicuous to the galra. I held Lance in my lap who was playing with a doll of some sort that Allura gave him. He was hugging it and babbling.

I looked around the bridge to see if I could help out with anything before we get to the  mall. Everyone was occupied so I just sat back down and held Lance up to me. He looked at me with his vibrant blue eyes. He held his hands out so he could be hugged. As I brought him closer he grabbed onto my fringe of white hair and pulled. I pried his fingers off of my hair and gave him a stern look. He started giggling and I couldn't stay mad at him for to long. He was just so cute like this. Wait. No! I mean, yes he's cute, but he's my teammate. It not like he has pretty eyes and soft, fluffy hair that I could ran my hand through all the.... okay. Maybe I have a crush.

Lance turned and look up at me. He started sniffling. I shot up to bring him out of the room before he screamed or something. As ran down the hallway his head shot up and looked down the hall. I followed where he wanted me to go. I guess he was hungry because we were lead to the kitchen. I walked in and saw Hunk at work. He looked over when he heard the door open. I smiled and set Lance down on a high chair.... I think. "Hunk. Do you think Lance can eat space goo or do you think he will need something different?" Hunk looked at me and walked over to the panrty/fridge like cabinet. He walked back over to me and handed me a small jar with goo in it. I looked at him, like why couldn't I get it from the machine?

"This goo is more broken down so lance can eat it and not choke or anything." I nodded and walked over to a drawer where all the spoons are. As I walked back, Lances eyes were kept on my hand with the goo. I fed him in small intervals so he could eat it all. When he finished, I picked him up and started patting his back so he would get all the excess air out of his stomach. I walked over to Hunk and asked what he was making, but he was so focused, it scared me and I took lance and walked away.

I brought Lance to his room and rummaged through the closet. There has to be something that can make it easier to carry Lance. I finally found it, and in time to. "Paladins, please report to the pod hanger so we may get going." I put the device on and grabbed Lance. When I walked in, Pidge and Keith turned to look at me and started laughing. "Shiro, you really look like a dad now. And is that a baby carrier?!" She asked while laughing. I nodded and stood proud of myself. I looked down and saw it was a little big for Lance for the face that he is sleeping and his face it being covered by a small part of the carrier. Allura and Coran pulled a camera/phone thing to snap a picture of Lance.

The trip in the pod wasn't that bad. Coran asked Allura to get something that.... we dont know what it is. I walked through the double doors to see that their were about three stories, many stores, and a sculptur in the middle with a fountain in the middle. Allura dragged me to a store as everyone else walked the other way. I saw a store with baby stuff and what I'm guessing are toys. 'Looks more like torture weapons in my opinion,' I thought. Allura picked up an outfit that a Prince would wear. Except it's like seven times smaller. She dresses Lance and he smiled at her. She grabbed a few other outfits in his size and grabbed some medicine and medical stuff for Baby Lance.

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