In Which Lance is Back to Normal

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I woke up to an alarm blaring. "Pala.... Quickly, Lan.... De....." I woke up more to understand. "Hurry, their going to kill him!" I shot up and ran out of my room. No. No. No. No. Who's in trouble?! I ran into the bridge to see Shiro standing in the room looking mad and Allura holding Lance, but covering his ears from all the yelling. Pidge and Keith ran in with panicked faces, until they saw it was just a drill. "It has been how long and you still can't be in here with your armor and ready."

We all stared at Allura, annoyed because we had to be woken up like this again. I heard a small sneeze. As I looked over, Lance had started babbling while Allura looked in pure fear with Coran. Coran picked up Lance and ran off. We tried following them but they were too fast for us. When we did find them, they had tons of medical equipment on Lance and he had a thermometer in his ear. Allura was sitting in the chair next to Lance's table, looking worried. "Allura, what's the matter? All he did was sneeze." Coran looked over and Allura said, "I told you that Altean children can get sick very easily. I guess it's... I just don't want to take the risk of him getting sick."

We could understand. She just got her brother back after thinking her entire race has been dead for Ten thousand years because of her father's best friend. She looked over at Lance to see him gnawing at his foot. We all walked over to him to see what all the equipment is. He looked up at us and started giggling at us. He reached his hand out, but his marks started glowing. We were all so enticed by it, we didn't see Coran squeezing his way through us. We all backed away but kept staring. Lances marks were slowly dimming as he was still gnawing and giggling. He is such a cute baby.

We all left to let Coran and Allura do what they need to do. I went to the kitchen to start cooking. I took some alien bread out that had a light pink color and put it in the oven to warm it up. I searched through the cabinet to find something that is close to jam. Their were three jars. The first one was an orange color that tasted like chocolate. The second one was a light purple and had a mint taste with a hint of honey. The last one was brown with a chocolate and strawberry flavor. I grabbed them and took three spoons for the jams(?) and set it all on the table. After all of this I started cooking what I think is bacon.


I walked to breakfast to see some jars, something that looked like bread, and bacon? Maybe. I sat down, looking over at Pidge, who was on her laptop as always, and Keith who was staring off into the white walls of the room. The door opened and hunk came out with plates and silverwear. He gave everyone everything and sat down. We all grabbed what we wanted and started eating. Half way through, Allura joined us saying Coran kicked her out for fussing over Lance so much. When I finished eating, I brought my plated to the dishwasher, to hunks protest saying he would clean the dishes.

I walked to Lances room to find a sleeping Lance in a sleeping Corans lap. I took Lance from Coran and set him in his crib. I nudged Coran a little so I could get him to bed. When he finally went to bed after much protesting about who would watch Lance, I went to Lance's crib and watched him. He is so cute as a kid. Lance started moving around and whimpering. I picked him up and started rocking him in my arms. His face changed to being more comfortable after a little bit. I sat in the rocking chair, trying to lull him back to sleep. His whimpering wouldn't stop so I brought him to Coran and Allura. "I would say that the transformation is wearing off.

We brought him to a bed in the medical bay and left him to transform back. We also left a change of clothes for him. I went to help Allura go through the new data we received from the blade and see if any new planets have been taken over by the galra. She said it would take a few minutes and she needed Pidge to help her. I walked to the bridge and found Pidge sitting in her chair, slowly falling asleep. Everyone seems tired today. She looked over to Allura and nodded. Allura opened a screen and was looking through the data. I sat down at my station, wanting to look at the new information too.

"Hey Allura." I turned over to see Pidge staring at something on Alluras screen. "What is Respim," Pidge asked while bringing up two more screens at her station. "Respim? I don't know. You will have to ask Coran about this one." Pidge nodded to her and looked at the door as it opened. Keith walked in with his sword in hand and all sweaty. "Really Keith, go take a shower. I can smell your sweat from here," Pidge said to him as he was walking out. "And if you see Coran, tell him I need him," she screamed to him. Allura looked to Pidge and had a disappointed tone,"Pidge. Do you have to yell?" Pidge laughed nervously and skimmed through the info. We were halfway through the data and found new ship blueprints and files on prisoners. Other than that, we need to keep looking. I heard a door open again but didn't bother to turn around.

"Number five, you called." I turned to see Coran, perky as ever, walking over to Pidge. "Yeah, I wanted to ask you about something we found on the new file. The druids, their making something called Respim. Do you know what it is? I asked Allura but she doesn't know," Pidge said to him. He paled a little at that. "Are you sure that's what it said number five?" She nodded to him. "Respim is a very dangerous potion. It's mostly in a liquid base, but it's use is to make someone fall in love. The victim falls in love with the user or person who administered it. The victim will not be in control. They will be love sick and will want to please their lover in anyway possible, but why would the Galra need it?"

Pidge said she would look into it with Coran later. We heard an alarm sound and we looked to the Alteans. "That's the alarm that Lance will be out of the pods any minute." We rushed to get down to the pods and see Lance. When we got their, Hunk caught Lance in his arms and was bringing him to sit on the step. He looked tired and had some bags. "Hey Lance. How you feeling?" He looked over at me and smiled. "Hey Shiro. I'm feeling fine. Just really tired, really." Hunk said he would bring Lance to his room to rest while the rest of us can continue what we were doing.

A few hours later, we heard a shriek. It sounded like Lance so we ran to his room. When we got their, Pidge and Coran were trying to open the door. The door opened and let light flood I in. The lights were off but the bathroom door was closed with light illuminating from the sides. I walked up to the door and knocked. "Lance? You okay? We heard you scream and though something happened." I heard some shuffling on the other side. "Uh... yeah. I'm okay. Just startled." I looked to Allura and she shrugged. "Lance, can you open the do-" "Nope! Sorry but can you get out of my room." We weren't going to leave him right now.

"Lance, come out of the bathroom. If you don't, we'll open the door and come in." There was no noise. I knocked again. "Lance," I said sternly. I heard a small noise. Metal against metal. "Coran, open the door!" Coran overrided the door and we were met with no one. I looked up and saw the grate to the air vent slightly tilted. "He's in the vents." We all raced out to diffrent areas. Keith and I went to blues hanger, Pidge and Hunk went to the training room, and Coran and Allura went to the bridge to do a heat scan. I heard a creak on our way to Blue. Keith and I ran to try and make it before Lance to Blue.

Keith made it their before me. I heard the grate fall to the floor with a loud bang. Before I made it in, I heard a loud thud and some yelling. I ran in to see Keith holding a struggling Lance. Keith had a small blush on his face. I didn't think of it right now, we needed to get Lance to calm down. "Stop! Let me go! Keith, let me go!" I commend everyone that Lance is with us. "Lance calm down. It's okay." I walked to him slowly. He struggled a little less. He looked to me and asked, "Why do I look Altean? Shiro, why? I'm human. I was born on earth." I took lance from Keith and hugged him. "Its okay. Allura and Coran will explain what happened and why you look Altean. Okay?" Lance nodded, but didn't look and me. He kept his eyes on the floor.

Allura ran in with Coran on her trail. Allura snatched Lance from me and hugged him. "Oh my goodness. I though something happened to you." Lance looked so confused. Allura and Coran explained what happened in the past and gave lance the book to keep as his own. Lance said it would take time, but he accepted that he wasn't human. He also fell asleep in Alluras arms. Allura brought Lance with Coran to her room to watch him and answer all his questions when he wakes up.

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