In Which Lance Hates Nunvil

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I was laying on my bed. It had a really comfortable blanket that Allura gave me. I've been hiding here for the last hour because of Allura. She was chasing me so we can do so many things together. I love Allura, I do, but she's way to clingy right now. The last time I had space was on the mission and before that was me in the bathroom. I managed to escape from her, but I hear her in the hallways. Her heels on the floor. Her voice ringing through the halls. The door opening at every room she walks into. I heard Allura in the room next to me. I rushed into the secret room. I found that one of the panels come out and leads to a small room behind. The room isn't big. It's half the size of my room. It has a small desk, a few shelves built in the walls, a small bed, and a window to look out in space. I just put the panel on before I heard my door open. I heard the clicking of heels walking pass the secret door. I heard rustling. I wasn't sure if it was her dress or the blankets on my bed. "Maybe he's with Blue," Allura said. It was really muffled. She I heard the door shut, I came out quickly to get my blanket and phone. I shut the secret door and went through the small narrow crawl space that lead to the room. I layed on the bed and set an alarm for an hour. I looked around and realized I could move in here. I didn't need a lot of space. This could hold my nicknacks, my clothes, and a few other necessities and I was good. Really, the only thing I need from my room is the bathroom.

I fell asleep on the bed because I was woken up to Alluras voice blaring and my alarm going off. I crawled out the door and went to go find Allura. She was screaming about me being missing and how I'm captured by the Galra. I walked into the control room to a sobbing Coran, a hysterical Allura, and scared Shiro and Keith, and a tired gremlins. When they turned to me, all their eyes widened, except gremlins, and they rushed to hug me. Allura was crying in my shoulder while Coran sobbed in my back. "Why are you all crying?" Allura sobbed out, "I....thought you *hic* left me." I hugged her closer. "Allura, I would never." I ran a hand through her hair. She finally let go of me and stared at me. I was about to walk out before feeling arms around me, dragging me back to my chair/station. I turned, thinking I would find Shiro or Keith, but found Allura. I felt myself dropped on the chair. "What's the big deal? I still have things to do." Allura gave me a stern look. "I'm watching you. We couldn't find you so your staying with me for the rest of the day. I'll also have Coran move your stuff into my room." Damn. She changed quickly. "Allura. I have thing I want to do. I'm sorry but you can't watch me like a hawk all the time. You need to-" I was cut off by an alarm going off. Allura turned and brought up the big screen. A ship was trying to dock. It was the Azruleians ship. Allura yanked me and ran to the hanger. I could see Shiro and Coran struggling to catch up.

When Coran and Shiro made it to the hanger, the Azruleian guard was helping the diplomat out of the ship. We all walked to the meeting room.... area? It looked like the dining room but it's on the other end of the castle. Coran ran out quickly, but told us to proceed with the meeting. Allura started talking about how we would protect them from the Galra and how they are evil. She told them about Voltron and then she went in about me. Coran ran in. "Sorry, this was hard to find through all the others." He started pouring us some drinks. Alluras face lit up as she took a big sip. I took the glass and put it by my nose. I've always hated nunvil. The sweaty feet and hotdog water was placed back down. Shiro gave me a weird look at my disgusted face and put his drink down. "This is Lance. Prince of Altea. He was just found recently but he is a super important asset in defeating the galra." She went into detail about Altean history and how we will defeat the Galra, but I didn't listen. I stared at the pale blue azruleian. Some had blue skin, some had pink, others had a pale yellow and green. Their eyes were a darker color of their skin with freckles of the same color. They had formal clothing. The same as Allura or Alteans, I guess, would wear.

The diplomat stood up and walked out with a guard following. Allura trailed them, inviting them to our party later. I left before Allura could find me again. I ran an grabbed my stuff to move in that little room. When everything was set up, I left to go to the observatory. I sat down on the ledge and let the map rotate slowly. I grabbed a blanket that I stashed here after my.... not so short..... visits. I saw the milky way show up and though of home. What will mama think. Will she be upset that I found out. When will I see the Blue water and golden sand that was soft as silky. When will I feel the pudding of rain and the bolts of thunder that crack down. I felt some tear slip down my face. I wiped them away, but couldn't help but miss earth.

I apologize for this being so short. I did want to make it longer but I need to study for a test I missed because I had to do an intro drive for school. Another thing is that I have to clue how to do the math they were teaching us. F for me. Anyway, the next part will have the party. I hope you liked it.

Goodnight because I'm tired as he'll. Au revoir.

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