18- A Long Way down

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Sweat began to drip down Layla's forhead,  as Quasimodo's weight pulled her down. She stared up at Frollo, who stood over them, cackling menancingly.
"And he shall smite the wicked. And plunge them into the firey pit!" quoted Frollo, with a mad glimmer in his eyes.
Layla prayed for a miracle, and it seemed like someone was listening.
The gargoyle Frollo was standing on shook, unbalancing Frollo. He was knocked off his feet, losing his sword, and was forced to use both hands, to hold on tight to the gargoyle.
The statue began to smile and turn red, as it dettatched itself from the building. Sending itself, and Frollo down into the lava, hundreds of feet below.
"No!!! Damnation!!!" Screamed Frollo as he fell to his death.

Although delighted by the absense of Frollo, Layla couldn't rejoice, as she felt herself slipping from Esmeralda's grasp.
"Hold on!" Esmeralda begged.
"I can't... I'm slipping" admitted Layla.
Esmeralda strained herself, as she tried to pull Layla and Quasimodo up. But she could not do it. The two of them were just to heavy. Gravity was not on their side.
Quasi looked up and Esmeralda and Layla, as they struggled to hold onto one another. Realising that he might pull Esmeralda over the edge as well. He decided that there was only one thing he could do to save the others. He would have to let go.

Feeling Quasi loosen his grip from around her waist, Layla looked down at him. He smiled at her sadly, as he let go, falling to his death.
"No!!! Quasi!!!" Screamed Layla.
Esmeralda pulled Layla up, and the two of them looked over the balcony, watching Quasi fall.
When he was about half way down, he suddenly stopped, and dissappeared from sight. Moments later, Phoebus stuck his head out of the side of the cathedral, and looked up at them smiling.
Layla and Esmeralda pushed themselves back away from the balcony wall and hugged each other.

"I thought I'd lost you forever" sobbed Layla.
Esmeralda squeezed her tight, and rubbed her back affectionetly.
"And I thought that I'd lost you, when you fell from the balcony. But we are both safe now" she reassured.
"Has Frollo really gone?" Questioned Layla.
"Yes. I don't think he will be bothering us again"
"It is. Now, lets go downstairs and see the boys, shall we".
Layla nodded, and the pair stood up, taking each others hands, not wanting to be apart, even for a moment. They then began to make their way down the many steps in Notre Dame, to find Phoebus and Quasimodo.

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