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Beys POV
A couple days later

I woke up around 10am because my first class wasn't until 12pm so I checked my phone and my eyes popped out of my head when I saw I had 20 missed calls from both my mom and my dad. I looked over at Solange and she was knocked out.

"Solange!" I yelled but she didn't wake up so I threw a pillow at her

"Huh What? I'm up!" She said and looked at me sleepily

"Momma and Daddy called me 20 times each. I think their on to us." I said and her eyes popped out of her head then she rushed over to my bed

"Call Daddy back first, he's not going to be as mad as momma." She said and I nodded in agreement. I unlocked my phone and dialed my dads number, it rung one time before he picked up

"Beyoncé where is Solange?!?" He yelled over the phone and I held it from my ear and made a 'bitch we in trouble' face to Solange which was too familiar.

"Um heyyy Daddy, how you been?" I said into the phone and he sighed

"Beyoncé don't hey how you doing me, you mother and I have been worried sick about your sister and I know you know where she is so spill it." He said and I sighed

"Well Daddy, um you can't be mad at us. Just promise you won't be mad." I looked at Solange letting her know that we were busted

"Beyoncé if you don't tell me right now!" He yelled through the phone and I sighed again

"Well she's sitting right next to me." I said and the phone went silent. "Hello? Hellooo? Daddy?" I said then I herd the phone shuffle and I put it on speaker and sat it on the bed

"Beyoncé I should beat your ass, how the fuck did she get down there and why the fuck are you just now telling us! I would come down there but ain't nobody got time for all that. So your going to drop her off here this coming weekend no if ands or but's!" She said and we just looked at each other the whole time

"Momma momma, wait it's the summer, why does she have to come back so soon? I don't even have a room mate. Can she please stay for a couple of weeks please Momma." I said begging because I really didn't want her to leave yet

"I gotta think about that bey, she doesn't have any clothes, or the things that she needs." She said and I chuckled

"Yes she does and the things that she needs we can buy them. I just really want to spend most of my summer with her before school starts and we don't see each other like it was last time." I said sounding sad and she gave me a thumbs up with a smile like I was doing good

"I don't know bey." She said

"Please momma please, I'll take care of her, make sure she eats, is clothed, safe and everything else
I promise." I said and I herd her sigh

"Okay bey Solange can stay with you, but only for half of the summer. It's May 25th and when June 25th hits I expect to see you and Solange at my door." She said and I cheesed hard

"Okay thank you momma love you, and Daddy." I said and she said it back then gave the phone to my dad

"Take care of my baby Beyoncé." He said and I rolled my eyes,

"Okay Daddy I will bye." I said then hung up the phone. We looked at each other and started screaming jumping up and down

"I get to stay with you for the summer!" She said hugging me and hugged her back, I barely used to see her when I went to my other school because I stayed on campus and never visited much but I made sure I called everyday.

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