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Beys POV
Huston, Texas
First day home

Ive been here for almost a day and it feels so good to be home where I'm familiar with things. I've missed it and my family. We've been going out everyday since I've been here and today we were all tired, it was a chill day today. Jay was at his hotel, he said he didn't want to meet my parents until he was fully rested and I understand because we were sleepy as hell when we finally got to the city.

I was thinking maybe I could call up Lyndall and see if we could talk about things, I know he still had the same number because he would text me time to time telling me that he missed me and what not but I'd never answer. First I called jay like I did everyday, when I woke up and before falling asleep. It rung twice before he picked up.

"Hello?" He said in a groggy voice

"Hey baby, it's meee." I said, I was just in a good mood this morning. I don't know why but I was. And hearing his voice made me happier

"Hey baby girl, why you so happy?" He asked chuckling because he knew I wasn't a morning person

"Well that's what I wanted to talk to you about. I'm ready to talk to Lyndall, and get some closure. I guess I'm happy because I know I'll be starting a new chapter in my life once that one is over with. I'm excited to see new things arise." I said hinting towards the two of us

"Ohh I see, me too baby. Just please be careful, let me know everything that happens from the time you walk in to the time you leave. Just be careful baby please." He said in a caring way and I touched my heart

"I will, I'll make sure to text you when I arrive and call you after I leave." I said and he said okay

"Well I'm about to call him now so I'll call you later babe." I said and he said alright then hung up. I love calling him baby, him calling me baby, I'm really starting to open up to him and I love it. He's making me want to be more open with him and he's just as open as me. It's really cool. I've never had that before.

I called Lyndall and he answered on the 4th ring.

"Bey?" I herd his voice over the phone and instantly wanted to throw up

"Yeah it's me, I was just wondering if you wanted to meet up somewhere, so I could get some closure on what we used to be." I said and he didn't answer for a minute. "Hello?" I herd

"Yeah, um sorry, yeah. You think you could meet me at my house? I don't have a car." He said and I shook my head, he's such a scrub

"Okay where is it?" I asked

"125333 hazel st." He said and it sounded so familiar

"Is that your moms house?" I asked because I've herd of that address before

"Yeah, She um- passed away a couple of months ago." He said and I felt bad for him, his mom was the sweetest woman on eart, so kind, she treated me like her daughter, even when we weren't dating she made sure I was good. A tear slipped down my eyes and I whipped it away

"I'm sorry for your loss lyn, I'll be on my way in an hour." I said then hung up not wanting to be on the phone any longer with him. I made sure my phone was fully charged, hopped in the the shower, put on lotion, got dressed in some a Nike legging and t shirt set then threw on some Nike gym shoes. Then I sent jay a text telling him I'm leaving to go to his house. He said it sounded a little fishy but I told him he didn't have a car and he still thought it was weird he couldn't meet me anywhere but he shrugged it off. He told me to call him in 2 hours or he's blowing up my phone, I sent him my location when I arrived and I sent it to solo just Incase then I knocked on the door.

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